Against Drug Abuse | Teen Ink

Against Drug Abuse

November 23, 2009
By blanking_out GOLD, Bonita Springs, Florida
blanking_out GOLD, Bonita Springs, Florida
13 articles 2 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
Follow the leader, but not too close, just in case they fall.

Drug abuse in America seems to be omnipresent. For teens peer pressure has a lot to do with it. Peer pressure is not so much as kids telling other kids that they should try them; it is more how easy drugs can be obtained.

Teens will buy packs of cigarettes and sell single lights to other teens for profit. Getting other drugs is just as easy. Some are as easy to get as mentioning them in a joke and somewhere some kid will be like “Oh, you want some? Here!” and hand them to you. Of course if the offer is taken then payment is considered and carried out. It seems teens don’t have a choice of what kind of people they want to hang out with.

It can be hard to decipher who is a druggie and who is clean; sometimes the actual druggie is a teen who appears well rounded. Even teachers get in on the whole drug transfer now and then. Apparently the drug trade is very profitable.

But it is ridiculous! Why are drugs so popular among teens and now preteens? A lack of motivation to do other things and little self-respect are the most common reasons a person can offer. People want to get away from their pain, or “have a good time”; but what is so wrong with staying away from these dangers.

Drugs are a dangerous trap that lie in wait for every single person; but can be overcome.

So many people want to help those struggling with the terrors of drug abuse.

The author's comments:
Ever been in a place where you feel you only have one option? Well now there are two...finding hope in a person who wants to help you. There is always just have to ask... God Bless


This article has 5 comments.

Roxo said...
on Oct. 21 2012 at 6:31 am
I would really like to know why it is that you write this like what you are saying is all true. I hope you know that per presure is the worst method, do you ever think just from a different view that maybe just saying "hey never touch drugs they are bad" is more motive for someone to do them? cause once rules are set people become restricted and want to know why they were restricted. i would say most teens and preteens think this way. Drugs are showed in media as just something that once it is touched it will kill you. when really doing drugs gives you much more life experience, and in my opinion the more real life experience you have the better. The people that site there and go "drugs are bad never touch them" probaly have never touched them in there life. Also they are probaly really narrow minded and only go off what they have heard from there parents and just never branched out and trusted there own beliefs cause they care to much about what thier parents think and about what others around them think. People need to understand that they need to be who they want to be and just go with your heart on things and don't listen to what others say. Above i just listed my thoughts about all this anti drug stuff but i will add that drugs do ruin life and cause bad health problems and really a lot of people can not handle the power of addiction and they turn into a different person with a whole new mind set only focused on money and how to get "high" the next time.. You know though is that really wrong?Every choice people make turns them into the person they will turn into, and the people that can get out of addiction can turn into the best people cause i would rather listen to someone who was addicted tell me not to do drugs then someone who has never touched drugs and is just saying what the mass of society say is wrong. Everyone please do remeber that this is just my thoughts on this they are neither right nor wrong this is just simply what i think i mean no offence by anthing said

on Nov. 5 2010 at 5:34 pm
Opinionated GOLD, Brantford, Other
15 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Change what you can and accept what you cannot change.~<br /> ~If you love someone, let them free. If they come back, it&#039;s meant to be.~ <br /> ~Cease refusing to believe that in what you have created.~

I agree. :D

on Nov. 5 2010 at 5:28 pm
blanking_out GOLD, Bonita Springs, Florida
13 articles 2 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
Follow the leader, but not too close, just in case they fall.

thanks for the comment. if you're saying you agree with moderation, i'll take that. what's bad is when it becomes a too often occurence and does all those horrible things to your body like you mentioned. :)

on Oct. 18 2010 at 6:49 pm
Opinionated GOLD, Brantford, Other
15 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Change what you can and accept what you cannot change.~<br /> ~If you love someone, let them free. If they come back, it&#039;s meant to be.~ <br /> ~Cease refusing to believe that in what you have created.~

To start; I agree with most of the article. Drugs are very easily obtained and goes around like if it were rumors. But I don't think that drugs are all bad, weed, I mean. I think that all it takes is a good sense of responsibility to know when to take it and how much. My views on marijuanna are like this, as I have read in an other article, when smoking weed, it turns off parts of your brain as it turns on others, such as a bigger sense of creativity and is great for deep conversation, I think that weed is not all bad I mean it's even better than smoking and how many people do that? Other and stronger drugs I do not agree with as they are not natural (They don't come from the earth) and have no advantage in life but to slowly detoriorate your body and mind. All that to say that I agree for the most part of your article but I beleive that marijuanna once in a while is in no way to harmful to your body.

on Sep. 4 2010 at 8:55 am
blanking_out GOLD, Bonita Springs, Florida
13 articles 2 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
Follow the leader, but not too close, just in case they fall.

A tid bit from the author... Thanks to every one who has read this article. It's the truth and some times it surprises even me to see these things being played out and being clueless what to do. All I can ask is that you talk to your friends about it and encourage each other to stay away from drugs. Some people will try it and not like it. Some people will try it and hate it. It doesn't matter though, just don't get into the habit of doing them.