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Twilight: Good or Bad?
I’ve been on both sides of the Twilight sensation. The completely unrestrained fangirl and a very mean hater. What can I say? I experience a lot of changes in emotion. Right now, I have to be neutral. The Twilight books, to many, I suppose, are escapist novels. It’s a romance series that entice girls to find that perfect boy who will love them no matter what. I can see that and that book really speaks to the soul at times. The books do have a good storyline, not the best but an acceptable one. The most interesting part of the books are the remake of vampires, from something feared to something loved. The way Mrs. Meyer makes the Cullens such kind souls that know how to love really caught the attention on many readers. In my opinion, the first book, Twilight, has to be the best. It is a great beginning to the series and they get steadily worse. I cried in New Moon, every single time I read it, and I’ve read it hundreds of times. I cried even though I knew what was going to happen. That was a great twist and I loved it. I love sad stories… :) But as I read on, Jacob came in and became a werewolf. Okay, twist again, but a not so exciting one. And of course, Edward just HAS to come back and be all nice and sweet and okay with Bella being in love with someone else. That annoyed me a lot. And Jake’s immaturity annoyed me even more. Eclipse was passable. The newborn vampires were a bit of surprise, not a big one, but a surprise nonetheless. I hated Jake in that book. I really did. The way he pretended like he was going to kill himself made me want to kill him. And Edward’s calm indifference angered me too. Breaking Dawn. What can I say? I’ve read fanfiction better than it. It was clichéd and so fake. I liked Renesmee, but, like I said, cliché and fake. It was so predictable. AND THE ENDING SUCKED. That’s just my opinion. There should have been a fight and someone should have died *cough*Edward*cough*.
That was a summary of my feelings on the books. Now onto some deeper stuff. Twilight very subtly degrades women. BELLA DEGRADES WOMEN. She always needs a guy there, either Edward or Jacob. She clumsy and gets hurt a lot, she needs to be saved. I guess you could say I grew up a bit between 7th grade and 9th grade and I really saw this. It really made me think about what the Twilight books really signified. The grammar in the book was pretty horrible too. My English teacher used it to show what NOT to do. That’s how bad it was. That was my first real push into not loving Twilight. I suddenly saw, wow, its not perfect like I thought. Then I saw how unperfect the theme was and how unperfect it just overall was.
This article has a lot of hating, it’s true. I’m not a fan anymore, but if you are a fan and you are reading this, I’m super sorry if I offended you in any way. When I was a fan, hearing all this bad stuff about Twilight would have offended me a lot. Let’s face it, we all want our Edwards and our Jacobs right? I certainly do :)
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This article has 28 comments.
She needs help getting a can of soup out of the pantry it seems like. In twilight she was all "oh, I am going to go die because I want my superawesome vampire boyfriend to beat James up cause it's their fault they wont change me and vampires wont want me cause they taunt the others with me and kill them for being vampires."
When Edward left she was a brat.
when he came back and she was deciding edward or jacob, she was being whiney, a brat, and just annoying.
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