Energy | Teen Ink


March 24, 2011
By Anonymous

A simple switch, a turn of a key, is what starts energy. Energy has its many qualities, it makes our lives overwhelmingly easier, it gives the power for machines to produce our many items we use in our life, it powers our lights that help us see at night. Energy has countless uses. The mistake concerning energy is that it is destroying ecosystems to benefit ours. Wildlife in the Polar Regions is disappearing because of global warming that is being created by unclean energy sources. Energy is wonderful but, only when it is used correctly.

The factors of global warming are, higher rise in temperature, which will ruin many living species. Other factors are a high sea level that would flood major urban areas along the coasts, leaving millions of people without a home to go to. A great migration would occur. People living on the coasts will be drawn closer inland away from their homes. There would not be enough homes to support the many migrating citizens. Forests will be cut down; grasslands would be burned to build houses. This will occur unless we find solutions to solve this mayhem.

Energy is being overused, citizens leave lights on during the day, they drive cars to places of little distance, and people use heavy duty transportation that emits pollution in the air uncontrollably. It is not energy that is the problem it is the mistreatment of it. Energy can be good, it will benefit us, but if we use it sparingly we can keep this beautiful world the same.

Clean energy, sounds like a problem in many opinions. Fuel effective cars, earth friendly cleaning supplies, and save the earth fund raisers, has become very popular in today's society. Innovations like these will prevent global warming. We need more ideas to create cleaner energy sources that will benefit today's society. Clean fuel sources will also create thousands of jobs and that will help many jobless individuals. Clean fuel is our only solution, to a better, cleaner, world.

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