Restoring Da Reefs | Teen Ink

Restoring Da Reefs

February 26, 2014
By Justyce Ishii BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Justyce Ishii BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Native fish are disappearing; this is a big problem for the ecosystem, and the Hawaiian culture. Many fish die, from over fishing and people not taking care of the reef. Hawai?is marine life is essential to keep a healthy ecosystem. To keep native fish here, we need to eliminate all invasive species. These include The Roi, Peacock Grouper, and To?au, blacktail snapper. The Roi eats native fish; these fish do not see it as a predator because it was just recently introduced. The to?au eats native fish eggs and reproduces at an alarming rate.
The reason why I think we need to keep native fish here is because they were here first. The native Hawaiians made use of these fish for a long time; we need to keep doing the same. They made it work and we need to too.
A problem with our reefs and reefs around the world is we are stepping on them. These are homes we are destroying. Imagine someone bigger than you smashing your home! I bet you wouldn’t like that, so don’t do it to fish! The coral is what makes up a reef. The coral makes the ocean a better place not only for fish, but also for us. We should protect it. Coral is a beautiful thing that has we should protect.
Take only what you need! Divers and fisherman alone can wipe out whole reefs of fish. You need to know the rules and regulations on the size of the fish where you can take home. Many fish are taken early, never getting a chance to reproduce. This is a big problem, without them being able to reproduce, there won’t be any left.
I hope you now keep in mind the safety of the reef. Now you can see just how easily it is to destroy and over fish a reef. Reefs are very vulnerable and should not be taken granted for. Thank you for your time and effort.

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