Environmental Problems | Teen Ink

Environmental Problems

March 2, 2015
By Anonymous

My name is Dakota and I live in California. I live in a place where everyone thinks is all bright and clean. People think that it’s just the place to be. There’s a place in California called Los Angeles that has so much smog in the air. As you might already know, there are many issues with today’s environment but this is just one of the issues.  I’m sure there are other places but, I live in a place where there aren't any recycling cans. I hear people say, “Go green and recycle!” but what am I supposed to do with all of my recyclables without the proper can to put them in. Should I just throw all of my trash on the side of the streets like other people?

One essential part of helping the environment is recycling. I have already done my part in helping the environment by picking up other peoples trash and putting it where is belongs, which is in the trash. As each day goes by, I see more and more trash by the highways and even the streets that I live on. We cannot blame this on anyone but ourselves. As humans it is nobody but our responsibility to pick up after ourselves. Only we can make the environment a better place.

We can all help the environment by first, placing recycling cans in every city and town that doesn't have one. Doing this would reduce the trash pile up on some of the streets. Secondly, even if it is not our responsibility to pick up after others we should do it anyways to help the environment. We all live under the same environment don’t we? We also made the environment how it is today.

You aren't the only one that is being blamed. We all should be blamed, even me for not taking care of this issue. This issue might not be very important now, but over the years this problem will get bigger and bigger to the point of where we cannot do anything to stop it. Would you want your city filled with trash? Because I know that I wouldn't want to live in a terrible place like that. So do your job and don’t just clean up after yourself, help the environment by cleaning up after others too.

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