Money Doesn't Bring Happiness | Teen Ink

Money Doesn't Bring Happiness

December 7, 2015
By InspiredRhymer BRONZE, Vista, California
InspiredRhymer BRONZE, Vista, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many people Believe That Money Brings happiness. But is that really the case? Nope. Here’s What i believe, Money is actually the source of all evil. Yes, Money can be good if used right. But nowadays People are using money as a Gateway to do illegal stuff like buying weapons of any kind or killing themselves by buying hard drugs. The Money situation is so uneven because the Rich are only Getting richer and the poor only poorer. There is a saying in society that is “The one who dies with the most toys Win”, meaning that The more money you have the more Goods and Luxury items you can buy. But what if you don't have the money to buy these “Toys”. In most cases thats whats happening. People are taking Loans from the bank to buy stuff but don't realize that they will have to Pay it all back plus more for interest. Once they find out they have to pay more then received most developed Depression bringing suicidal thoughts in now, Which is only corrupting society. I can relate to this because i've had a friend in this situation. His dad took a loan from the bank to buy a new car and didn't realize that He had to pay insurance for the car and eventually pay the bank back. Sadly to say, He remembered he had to pay and turned to drugs and alcohol as a way to try to escape from these Money problems. He developed Depression and later committed suicide. I find it sad to think that society allows this to happen to innocent people. It shows that all people care about is money and Luxury goods and that This world Relies solely on money. I know that there are many people in the world that were once in my friend's situation and that it will only get worse. Also Many are living in conditions that are worse than Poverty. I haven't been in this situation because i was raised in a family that could support me, But, I live in a society that conditions are Looking worse than poverty and its sad. When I see people suffering from being homeless I think to myself how terrible it must be to be in their shoes and no one will do anything about it. It seems to me that society has accepted the view of money and poverty. So now what do you think? Do you think money really brings happiness in this time? well my answer would be NO. Money doesn't bring happiness, it brings sadness.

The author's comments:

People Always are wanting money. People have developed Anxiety and Depression because of money issues. I was inspired to write this because Money is a source of evil

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