The Rain | Teen Ink

The Rain

November 17, 2017
By JulietteS. BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
JulietteS. BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drip. Drip. Drip

The soothing and almost addicting sound of raindrops falling from the sky, one by one. The sky’s gray face stares down onto the now soaked and cold earth.

Rain is unwanted, stereotyped to make a day turn into a gray sludge no one wants to deal with. For me however, rain is one of the highlights of my life. I could watch the sky cry forever, watching teardrops fall, one by one. When I watch the rain, I feel as though the raindrops resemble my painful thoughts and memories, washing away to join it’s look alikes and gather into a puddle, one by one. I sometimes even go outside with just a hoodie and enter the sounds of raindrops pitter-pattering onto my mother’s car, one by one.The creaks of the trees once the winds sways by, sending the sky’s tears into a different direction each time. It’s interesting, to have drops of water falling from the sky to be one of the only joys of your life.

Unfortunately, the rain is mostly known for the background of someone’s sad or depressing day. While others may think this, I think it’s refreshing. Almost like a carwash. I go outside dirty with pains, bad choices and just fear of what comes next in life. When I come back inside, I come back clean, free of all stresses until next time.

The only bad part of the rain, is having to come back to reality. A reality where everything is wrong. A reality where life does everything possible to tie knots onto your heart, to weigh you down to the cold, hard, unforgiving earth below you. I often find myself even more lost while wondering if I should go back to reality, leaving me in a sea of decisions.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece by what it's about, rain. I was sitting by my bedroom window watching the raindrops fall from the sky, and I thought it would make a nice little piece. I really do hope you now see the possible other side of the rain.

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