Sports Can Ruin Relationships | Teen Ink

Sports Can Ruin Relationships

October 29, 2018
By jodeesablann BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
jodeesablann BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear readers,

Most of the time people think dating a star quarterback or a talented basketball player is all fun and games, and sometimes it can be. Although it’s exciting  to go to all their events and games it can also be very stressful. Especially when they are trying to be a great athletes half the time. Dating a athlete can be difficult to deal with. Sometimes most of their day can consist of just practice, practice, practice. Also,it’s sometimes hard to communicate with them, mostly because they are always tired after a long day. When an athlete is always tired if makes the other person dating them feel like they never have time for them and that’s really important in a relationship. It’s something that can really start big arguments between each other.


Sports can hurt a romantic relationship in many ways, but one way is sports can take up your spouse’s time and energy. They will be tired almost 24/7 and will probably not be in the mood for anything because of how tired you are. Also, they might not have much time for a lot of stuff either due to long practices. Some people might argue that if the relationship is solid, the other partner will make time for each other, but it is easier said than done. Not having time for your partner can start major to minor arguments depending on the couple. It may seem as if your partner doesn’t have time or they stop putting as much as effort as they used to because they are so tired. According to the article “ I have practice”, “Practice will come before anything even you”(Campus Lately). Practice can takes up more than ½ an athlete’s day. It is important to them, sometimes maybe too important. Having a relationship with an athlete is way more stressful and difficult then everyone thinks.

Another reason this is hard is it may make the other person feel less important. Due to all the practices and everything, athletes all just want rest which is totally understandable. In addition to that, however, being in a relationship can add more stress, especially if your partner feels like you’re not trying as much and not showing any effort. Additionally with all that the stress in both partners can rise, the athlete just wants rest but the other partner just wants to feel important and loved and just overall wanted. That feeling can really stress you out, wondering why they don’t have time for you anymore and make you overthink. The website” Odyssey Online “5 truths about dating an athlete” says that “dating an athlete is one of the most rewarding and challenging of relationships you will ever be in.” Just as said , they’re are ups and downs to dating an athlete it can really ruin or complicate your relationship.

In a relationship giving your time and energy to one another is every important. With sports on your hands, it’s not so easy. Sports can ruin that in relationships, making time for everything while trying to grind for the season at the same time can be very difficult to deal with. Although this situation can go different ways for different people, some people are going through this and it’s hard to deal with when you think you’re the only one. Every relationship is different and but the same in it’s own ways. So we all know , sports can be a great entertainment but also a big difficult problem.



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