Love Boat | Teen Ink

Love Boat

October 29, 2018
By Drippymac BRONZE, Fredricksburg, Virginia
Drippymac BRONZE, Fredricksburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Readers:

Think about having someone that you love and care about and someone tell you your love isn’t real because you are too young. This is how every teen feels when their mom , dad or even friend says their relationship won’t last because of their age. It can hurt them or even make them second think their whole relationship. Teens already have a lot on their mind; they don’t need to be told how to love. They are sound enough people to make adult choices on their own. It shows that teens are just like adults and that what they think and how they act matters.

Teen love is real because many people marry their high school crush and and very happy lives. All because they are young does not mean they can not have the same connection as a adult. Most of teen marriages have a 24% chance of working out according to the website Livestrong by Bob battles ,which shows that teen love is a thing and it can happen. Everyone no matter the age should have the right to love so why does teen love have to be fake? Others may have different ways of showing love and affection but that doesn't  mean their love isn’t as real as someone who is 25 or older; it all depends on the people. The whole point of love is feeling a connection between two people that nobody can break. Only you two can. It is a special thing that you two have that no one can touch or tamper with. It is a bond that you have with that one person. The time or age that you find this person in your life doesn't matter. It’s all about the connection you to hold and how you treat it. Being young only has a little to do with the whole concept of falling in love.

Your age comes into play with how you two deal with the rough times you to are going through , but that only makes the love and connection better if you two are truly in love. It pushes you to understand how to compromise and work things out. It actually makes you mature and deal with the problems as a adult. So maybe being in love at a young age is good for growing up and it brings you out of that child mindset and makes you a stronger individual that can independently think for themself. Love is different to all but young love is very special because it builds character and can mold you into the person you need to be. Therefore, teen love is real and most teen need to do it and forget what adults have to say.

Teen love is the most powerful force in the world expecIty at this young age. It can change your whole mindset. It also has the power to inspire individuals to go to unheard of lengths to recapture love that was lost, and it can turn you from a teenager to a young adult love. Some of the  greatest art formed throughout the centuries were formed in the name of teen love. If teens were able to do this on their own, it would change the whole world ad better out state in how we think teen love goes.

Relationships have the potential to feel really good or really bad but having that person you love by you can change it all.



Jerome N.

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