True Friends? | Teen Ink

True Friends?

December 3, 2018
By Mjrod793 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Mjrod793 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

True Friends?
Interaction with friends has always been a part of everyday life but, what types of friends do we communicate with? Every Single person has similarly categorized friends, no matter the distinctiveness of their background. Some friends we are close with, and some we just communicate with as acquaintances. Daily communication is a necessity in all people’s lives as a way to stay connected with society. Our social needs are fulfilled by communication with our friends daily, which therefore makes understanding the types of friends we associate with important. The overall objective of a friend is to be loyal and supportive while contributing positive aspects to your life. In today’s generation, I have realized to the contrary, friends can utilize a facade that in reality disguises that they are deceitful and discouraging. In today’s era, we communicate with many friends but, recently I noticed that we only associate with our right-hand man, the snake, the hopper, and the 24/7.
The right-hand man is the person you are around the most since they always have your back and help contribute to your positive mindset. Your best friend is everything to you, and you are everything to your best friend. There is a bond so strong often times these friends can finish each other sentences. They are loyal to each other and can share personal information without the concern that it will get leaked, since they are the most trusted people in each other’s lives. I know that no matter the difficulties life presents, I will always have the right-hand man to help. Me and my right-hand man have made considerable contributions to each other lives while always knowing in the long run, we are inseparable. Inseparable to the point that no individual can interfere with our friendship. Afterall, there isn’t a left hand without a right hand.
The type of friend, better known as the snake, is a person that is viewed as heartless and insensitive. The snake is like the plaque, spreading confidential information about the other persons sensitive life matters. This person will deceive you, intentionally go behind your back to make your life miserable, with little remorse. Tensions are arisen through conflict, conflict that’s origins trace back to the snake. This is the first person to spread the problem, only leading to a need for an extensive solution. These trust problems are further exaggerated when you believe you can fully trust them. Constantly they are in your business, constantly they show no appeal to your feelings, and constantly receive no consequences from the person they backstabbed. You care and tend to their emotions but, there is an utter disregard for your feelings. Ultimately, this person’s actions resemble that of a snake, due to their lack of loyalty and empathy.
A hopper, is a friend that is constantly changing the group of friends around them. Often times investing themselves in attempting to be surrounded by a wide variety of people but, missing out on a strong personal connection with their most communicable friends They are interested in connecting with a wide variety of people. One day they will communicate with the band, one day they will communicate with the jocks, and one day they will communicate with the educated. There is usually a lack of loyalty as this person has no intentions of making a full-time commitment to the friend group. When they find a group that interests them more, they will begin to socialize until they feel connected with each individual. They create this large web of friends that comforts them in a time of need, no matter the circumstance. It is a need for security they want to possess, a want of conformity. They engage in conversation to demonstrate their expertise on the plethora of diverse matters. I have created a habit of friend hopping by changing up my friends, and interacting with new ones I find more interesting. From experience, I know this person’s ultimate goal is to keep finding new friends until they begin to conform to the group.
The 24/7 is simply an individual that is constantly throwing words your direction 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They must stay in constant communication and can’t bear to leave their friends side. When you begin to socialize with another person, this person interrupts to make themselves noticeable by you, even though they have no relevance in the conversation. There are times I demonstrate zero
interest and yet, this overbearing communicator will continue to talk and talk and talk. Often times, you wish to tell them to “stop talking”, but don’t in fear they will become an emotional train wreck. Even when the in-person interaction ends, there is no period for peace since the 24/7 has already fired a multitude of messages. The massages are received over and over and over and ignoring them is to no avail. The onslaught continues, only with the assistance of a thoroughly thought out response can you evade the annoyance. When you finally develop the courage to respond, there are multiple responses within a matter of seconds which ultimately, leads to a blocked user.
Understanding the types of friends we associate with is an important aspect to our daily lives. By understanding, we know when to disassociate with a friend in order to avoid a conflict and when to associate to build a stronger bond between friends. There are friends that we would rather communicate with more than others but, there will always be a need for communication. This need for communication will consist of the right-hand man, the snake, the hopper, and the 24/7. Each one contains certain key characteristics that define the type of friend they are.

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