Ice Cream | Teen Ink

Ice Cream

May 22, 2019
By ellendevine BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ellendevine BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This time last year I honestly didn’t understand how people fell in love. I didn’t know what love meant other then my friends and family. This past year I have known you I feel like I’ve learned what love is. It’s like ice cream. It’s that feeling when I look at your face and my heart melts like that soft pink ice cream pop you would get as a kid, sweet, sappy, and sticky. Love is when I try to rush but wind up with a brain freeze. It’s the way that the first bite is just as good as the last. Like ice cream there are so many options, so many flavors but everyone has a favorite. It can last a long time or be gone in an instant. Ice cream can have toppings and layers and all different types and forms, a milkshake, a pop, a cone, or even a sundae. Our ice cream is the best type, the type you have for dinner, breakfast, and lunch. It is miles long and each scoop is different. Our ice cream is covered in toppings and whipped cream. Our ice cream is cold but it’s still soft and easy to eat. Your taste in ice cream can change too. When I was younger I liked vanilla ice cream, then I liked chocolate, now I like mocha chocolate chip. As we get older we learn more about our taste and interests. I think that is what makes love so complicated, we change and grow. Sometimes one bad experience with a flavor can ruin ice cream for us at all. Sometimes you decide not to finish your ice cream, sometimes your ice cream falls over, sometimes your ice cream will even get eaten by someone else and sometimes, like for me, your ice cream is only available in a different country. This past year I have learned more about love then some people do in a lifetime. I’ve gotten a chance to experiment, mix flavors, try toppings, and more. If you are lactose intolerant, you’ll never find love, sorry!

The author's comments:

This is about my girlfriend.

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