Letter to my future self | Teen Ink

Letter to my future self

October 3, 2020
By Anonymous

Dear future self,

I don’t know what’s going to be like for you in the future but remember: you’ve always got a reason to live. There will be plenty of folks with a negative image of the world we live in, but you’ll be able to show them the happiness they probably won’t find on Earth. I’ve caused a lot of trouble when I was younger, but then again; I always try to fix things. Maybe now, you are that famous writer I always wanted to be: With all that autographed books, everyone reading what you have to say and probably those folks will be anxious to see you shine, and maybe, out of those people you can meet in the crowd; you’ll find the soulmate, that I’ve been dreaming of. He’ll show you new things in life and go on new adventures alongside him. I thought about being a mother in the past, worrying that I’ll make the same dreadful mistakes as they did, I would feel so bad about this in the past, that I thought the world wouldn’t want a person like me to exist, so several times in these occasions; I’d think the best way to keep the world and my family in peace is to end my life forever. But thankfully, you won’t have to worry about this anymore, because you probably have a gothic house where you and your man can live in and if the time comes and he asks your hand to in marriage, don’t ask any more questions, just say: “Yes.” I wonder what will happen to you after your engagement, will you have a family of your dreams, so much that you would think that it was worthy of it all? Right now, I’m just a teenage kid with a black- and white shirt with a black body shirt, ripped jeans, and white Adidas shoes with black stripes on it, that is sitting busily on the desk of her room and writing down a few questions for you. Hopefully, you won’t have anyone to correct your posture, cause they’ll know that you can do it, yourself.


Your 17-year-old self.

The author's comments:

I clearly hope for the best in the future

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