Nueva esperanza ( New hope) | Teen Ink

Nueva esperanza ( New hope)

October 29, 2021
By Anonymous

Muchas veces la vida te da sorpresas inesperadas aunque suelen tardar mucho siempre llegan en el momento indicado .

Many times life gives you unexpected surprises, although they usually take a long time, they always arrive at the right time.

Probablemente tener hermanos es visto como no volver a tener privacidad o cariño de tus padres pero para mí era la oportunidad de darle amor a otra persona y cuidarla.

Probably having siblings is seen as no longer having privacy or affection from your parents but for me it was the opportunity to give love to another person and take care of them.

Cuándo me enteré que sería hermana por segunda vez estaba muy emocionada ya que llevaba años pidiendo por otro hermano. Sabía que iba a ser un gran comienzo  para madurar más y darle un mejor ejemplo a mi otra hermana Meylin de cómo cuidar a un bebé.

When I learned that I would be a sister for the second time, I was very excited because I had been asking for another sibling  for years. I knew that it would be a good start  to mature more and give a better example to my other sister Meylin. how to care for a baby.

Sé que muchas veces se siente como que tus papás no te dan la suficiente atención ya que hay un nuevo bebé en la casa y no siempre tienen tiempo para ti.

Pero la alegría era infinita al saber que íbamos a tener otra persona chiquita corriendo por toda la casa y poder saber que estaré ahí para acompañarla en ese proceso, Estaba Super emocionada ya que tendría a otra persona para contarle mis cosas.

I know that many times it feels like your parents are not giving you enough attention since there is a new baby in the house and they do not always have time for you.

But the joy was infinite knowing that we were going to have another little person running around the house and being able to know that I will be able to accompany her in that process. I was super excited since I would have another person to tell her about my things.

Muchas cosas cambiaron pero el cariño que le tengo sigue creciendo día a día, y cómo no encariñarse con esos ojitos tan hermosos que te miran todos los días, o la tenebrosa mirada al dejar de darle su biberón.

Many things have changed but the love I have for him continues to grow day by day, and how not to become fond of those beautiful eyes that look at you every day, or the dark gaze when you stop giving her her formula bottle.

Muy pronto tendré que sentir lo que mi papá sentía a medida que iba creciendo yo, él se tenía que preocupar por si otro muchacho se robaba mi corazón y atención, ahora que soy hermana mayor por segunda vez podré comprender porque mi papá insistía mucho en cuidarme.

Very soon I will have to feel what my father felt as I was growing up, he had to worry that another boy would steal my heart and attention. Now that I am an older sister for the second time I will be able to understand why my father insisted a lot on taking care of me .

Como no cuidar a un angelito que fue enviado para brindar felicidad a la familia, un angelito que brinda fe en la humanidad, un angelito capaz de conquistar el mundo si ella se lo propone.

How not to take care of a little angel that was sent to bring happiness to the family, a little angel that gives faith in humanity, a little angel capable of conquering the world if she wants to.

The author's comments:

It explins how i feel about having another baby sister after so many years of sking for another sibling.

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