Riding Solo | Teen Ink

Riding Solo

January 6, 2010
By lovely1 SILVER, Moses Lake, Washington
lovely1 SILVER, Moses Lake, Washington
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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fear can hold you back from so many wonderful things in life. So go for what you are afaid of and worry afterward!

Im constantly being told by my close ones how they detest being single. At one point in my life i felt the same way. I felt lonely, needy, worried. For instance, worried that I wouldn't have a date when my girls went out with their boys. I felt pressured especially because everyone around me had someone to show affection with. And since i know how it feels to have someone give you affection and attention, I began to miss it. When things are going good with a companion, and suddenly CRASH, a 360 and its not so good anymore for whatever reason...do you ever ask yourself "who's next?" or something along those lines? Well, my point in this writing is to express how i feel about a question like that. Who said there had to be a next one? Who said being single was a bad status? Like in the song Ridin Solo by Jason DeRulo, "Telling me to get my stuff together now I got my stuff together." So many more things in your life get done when the only person you have to worry about is yourself. Your mind is focused on the important things in life. It feels good to do yourself, have fun with your friends, and on top of that you save money, or just blow it all on yourself! You can do whatever you please without having to make someone feel jealous or controlling. You can become close to your friends, the ones who will ALWAYS be there. That's a true statement. My friends have went for guys i was interested in, and you know what? This didn't even phase me because ruining a friendship over a relationship that most likely won't last, is NEVER worth it.At a young age, its benneficial to gain a little experience with the opposite sex. But, overall it seems that more bad than good ever comes from trying to steady date, or date at all. No, I am not against dating at all, I am just sick of seeing people wasting their time when they could be just worrying about themselves instead of trying to impress someone else. I won't lie, being in love is one of the best, if not THE best feeling in the world. But let love find you, don't worry about searching for it. And until then, ride solo and do you!

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