Perfect Timing | Teen Ink

Perfect Timing

February 8, 2010
By Anonymous

Many people believe that the best thing to do when you are "crushing" on some is to tell them right away. I think other wise. When you tell a person straight out about your feelings, you end up making them feel awkward and they end up further away then you ever would have expected. If you wait and just get to know the person better, as just a friend, then you are abel to become closer and let your feelings develop more. Once you feel that you are close enough to the person, that no matter what is said you will stay close, then and only then do you put yourself out there as a partner. So, when you begin to get strong feelings, I think my idea for the perfect timing is the best.

The author's comments:
I have tried to rush into things and gotten my feelings crushed, and now with my new approach I am finding myself more confident and happier with the way things are coming together

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on Mar. 2 2010 at 8:24 am
Mrs.Lautner GOLD, Fife Lake, Michigan
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