Subliminal Twats | Teen Ink

Subliminal Twats

May 20, 2013
By dancavins BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
dancavins BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hate subtweets. A "subliminal tweet" indirectly refers to a particular person without mentioning their name or directly mentioning them. They want the person to be aware the tweet is referring to them, but to still have a little doubt in the back of their mind. It's a head game. An unnecessary dissatisfying head game. If you want to mess with someone's mind, you might as well go all out. Pull your balls out of your stomach and make a statement. "i dont say this often but i think i hate #oomf." You do?! Great! You don't have to say it. Do your 79 followers really care? Before you tap that "tweet" button think to yourself, "If this tweet was on my timeline, would I give a crap?" I'm not saying to limit your tweets to a bare minimum of only the essential tweets (there's no such thing), but just leave out the ones that make you like an idiot. At least spring a chuckle or a smirk. I have plenty of stupid tweets myself. I'm not perfect. It's pretty hard to type that but it's true. I just try to keep my insignificant expressions of emotion off of Twitter. Do I just hold it in? No, I'm not that cool yet. Look at what you're reading right now. I decide to rant my pointless thoughts on my blog. Why? Because no one reads it. Except you, and I thank you for that. If my followers really have an uncontrollable desire for knowledge of my mind, they know where to come. You had that desire. Sure you're the minority in the situation, but that's not so bad. You didn't completely waste your time, because you can still say you learned something; don't subtweet on twitter, no one cares. Leave it to a blog.

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