Stop Child Molesting | Teen Ink

Stop Child Molesting

January 8, 2014
By Courtney S BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Courtney S BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your childhood, should be the most important thing to you in life. This is a problem because it makes girls have a change in their behavior meaning that they become mad at the world , physically hurt and low self esteem. This is a problem because it’s having a negative effect on the nation today because when a girl gets touched, she does not want to tell her mother or guardian because she feels embarrassed but to stop this I will encourage every girl to tell their parents, it’s not good to keep things inside and your mom deserves the right to know so she can put a stop to it also.

First of all, child molesting changes a girl behavior because they become mad at the world. For example, in a book called Girls Against Girls, a girl as she got older admitted that she only picked on another girl because she had both parents at home and she only had her mother and stepfather which her stepfather molested her every night and she did not know how to express or tell her feelings to another person so she took it out on someone else who did nothing to her. This shows that girls become mad at the world because that girl had nothing to do with her stepfather touching her every night.

Second of all, child molesting also have behavior changes because you can become physically and mentally hurt. For example, Olivia from “ Law and Order “ was raped at a young age she did not know what to do at a young age but now she is a detective and she is helping little girls with the same thing, because she did not tell people she was molested and know she is encouraging girls to do what she did not do and tell an adult. This shows that you can become physically hurt because as Olivia got older she did not tell people and it was physically and mentally making her weak inside.

Last but not least, child molesting has behavior effects on people because you can have low - self esteem. For example, in a book called The Prada Plan, shows that Ling as she got older and no man wanted her so she sells herself when she gets older. This shows low - self esteem because it shows how she did not feel like she was pretty enough after she got raped.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of men, don’t mean to come off like they want to hurt girls, they maybe become tempted. But here is how we can end child molesting, tell someone when you men get tempted. But here is how you doing that, think of her feelings but it still needs to stop

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because my whole class, had to pick something that they cared about in the world, child molesting really bothered me so I decided to write this to let the world know this is wrong & no child should go threw this

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