Change | Teen Ink


February 18, 2014
By Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Response to “Change”

The selection is about how getting attached to a person is never a bad thing. Things may change and people may break apart, but the things you learned and the memories you have will always be cherished.

My reaction to this selection is positive. I have be a part of relationships that have abruptly ended and do cherish the memories I have with those people. I agree that looking at it positively is more beneficial than dwelling on the breakup because it makes you a stronger person. I can relate very well to this story. I have had close friends and girlfriends who have left my life, but have left me with many positive memories. In the beginning I was really mad and upset with them, but gave it time and found the positives in the relationships. I understand that people change and things change and you just need to make the most of it. I’m not surprised that people need time to get over the relationship. It’s just part of life. I do see this dilemma at Ayersville. I always see kids mad or upset when someone they were close to breaks up with them, but a few weeks later they are fine and the same person I saw before the breakup.

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