Find Something You Love and Never Let It Go Reflection | Teen Ink

Find Something You Love and Never Let It Go Reflection

October 16, 2015
By Anonymous

“Find something you love, and never let it go.”

One of my good friends shared this quote with me alittle bit ago and it’s been stuck in my mind like a pin as to what it really means. Yes, I do agree with this quote. If there is truly something that you love and something/someone that keeps you smiling and happy, don’t you dare let that go because there’s nothing more important than doing things to make yourself happy. Cherish that something. Hang onto that something with both hands. Letting go of that would be ridiculous, but that’s not the question here. In order to not let go of something you love, you need something to love. How are we supposed to find something that we love when we don’t know what we want to love? You can’t just love something for no reason. You choose to love it and there is always a reason. I’m a junior in high school and sure, I’m supposed to have it all figured out by now, but I don’t. I don’t have one specific thing to love. I don’t have much to be passionate about either.

Find something you love; it sounds easy right? In high school, one of the main decisions and main goals is to find your career. To find out where you want to attend college and how you want to live the rest of your life.  It’s a big decision and is often hard to figure out because your future is in your hands. Sometimes it may be a compromise, it may be something you’ve wanted since you were little, or it may be a last minute choice. I relate your career to this quote because I consider your career something that you should love and something that you do not let go of. Going to work everyday and wishing that I could leave is not something I intend on doing nor would I want to put myself through that. I want to be excited to go to work everyday, I want to be passionate about what I do. Why is it so hard to find what you want to do and what you want to love? High school gives us guidance, classes and tips on trying to figure out our futures. However, it takes a majority of students all four years of high school to figure it out and to figure themselves out.

Don’t worry, I’m not heartless. I am capable of loving things and in fact, I do love things. One of those things being my friends. I love my friends. I love that how when I’m sad they try to find the light in every situation to cheer me up. They simply ask how I’m doing and they remember the little details and secrets about me, which shows me that they care. I love that some days we go out on adventures through the woods, grasping up every beautiful moment we have. But other days we will sit on the couch all cuddled up watching Disney movies and I’m perfectly okay with that because it’s not about what I’m doing with my time, but who I’m spending my time with, and that being my best friends. I love that we have jokes together that no one else understands and that silliness is something that we always obtain ourselves with.

I’ve managed to figure myself out, to an extent. I have an idea for where I’d like to be when I grow up, within the next 10 years or so. I would like to be a pediatric nurse in a hospital, or studying it at least. I have always loved children and I am a caring person. Taking care of others would be something that in my opinion, would thrill me and I could see myself enjoying that for my career. Being passionate about saving the lives of children would be something I would like to have. But then again, I have a fear of that idea. My fear is that I’m not going to like it. I fear that I’m going to get into the medical field and realize that wow, this isn’t for me. And then I’ll be back to where I started. Back to having nothing to be passionate about. Back to being undecided.

I don’t have to be undecided about loving my family, because I do love my family and there's no one that I love more than my family. When it comes to them, I can’t be selfish. I’d do just about anything for any one of  them. My brothers have always been protective of me and at times it may become annoying, but secretly I love it. I love that I know I have people to run to and people to have my back.  Not one of our arguments last long enough for them to be serious, we always end up laughing it off or apologizing before we have the chance to get upset about it and I love that about them because I hate arguing and I wouldn’t want to be mad at any of them. My family members are my lifelong best friends. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

In the end, I think it all breaks down to the decisions that you let yourself make. Every decision matters. Whether it’s an easy, fly-by decision or a difficult one, it usually involves some thinking. Being at the age that I am now, it’s hard for me to take this quote of advice and to make a decision about it because I’m still young and I’d still like to have fun in this world while I can. Loving something is a big deal. Not letting go of something is a big deal. With that being said, I think I’ll stay a kid for now. I’ll continue to explore what’s out there. I’ll continue to be who I am at this very moment, still a kid.

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