Why Are Cell Phones Important | Teen Ink

Why Are Cell Phones Important

January 8, 2014
By Kenya J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Kenya J BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s important to have cell phones because you need it to make important calls and to get government jobs . first you need cell phones to text . sometimes you get important messagedecember 20 , 2013
s through text for an example you can get your paycheck through texting, also texting can be fun because you like to have fun texting and talking to friends . another reason is that you need cell phones to get important calls, check in with your family and to check in with your job . you will also need cellphones because , things does not always happen at home , it can happen outside your house . another example for needing a cell phone . is if you went to a friends house and you didn’t have a ride you can call home . and inform your parents that you need a ride , and that the Party’s over . the third reason as to why you need a government job is because you need them for interviews . for another example government jobs are important because they are for important meetings talking to a boss , because you were getting treated unfairly and your check isn’t what you expected . another reason as to why cell phones should be used properly is because you wouldn’t want your cell phone to get a virus that makes your cell phone slow down . you may get important calls like interviews job meetings .. etc . i think cell phones should be used properly because you never know if someone going to email you , and tell you if you're eligible to come in , and work with them !

The author's comments:
- I wrote about cell phones because, my parents have been telling me that .Cell phones are not important so I wrote this to prove to them that cell phones are important.And that they can be used for important things.

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 11:50 am
Woo hoo, congrats on getting published, Kenya! Keep up the hard work!