Bullying is Bull | Teen Ink

Bullying is Bull

February 26, 2014
By Cameron Quade BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Cameron Quade BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Kids started to tease me, calling me names, yelling at me, pushing me during recess, I always hid in the bathroom. I would sit on the little counter by the sink and eat my lunch. When the teacher found me, she said I had to start eating in the cafeteria, she assured me that everything was going to be okay. But again, she was wrong. Everything was not okay. They started teasing me, and sitting really close to me because they knew I was afraid of them. They would take my dollar I had in my lunch box that my mom always gave me to buy a cookie, to get something for themselves. Soon after that I started staying in the classroom with my teacher during recess, I always gave her some lame excuse on how I didn't understand a math problem, or couldn't spell a word right. Soon she figured out that I was just hiding. When she wanted to take me outside I literally dropped to my knees and cried. I yelled and screamed praying she wouldn't take me out there with them. That's when I saw her face completely change. She knew that this wasn't just teasing but it was something serious. So she allowed me to stay. I helped her clean her classroom and straighten out the desks. But one day I came to school and she wasn't there, the substitute told me that she had her baby the other night and she was going to be out for the rest of the year, the substitute never let me stay in for recess, that's when I had to toughen up and get out there, I just sat on the bench the whole time, the kids called me over to play with them, and of course I smiled and came over, and then they started making fun of me again. I mean I knew that kids can be mean but I didn't know they could be that cruel. Anyways, the bullying went on and on throughout the years, and it got worse as I got older. Especially during middle school and half of high school. They would say that I have a mustache. Every single day they said this, and in my head I'm thinking, you said this yesterday, and the day before, and last week. Why do you keep saying it? Then I pinned it all on myself. I really thought I had a mustache. So I went home and shaved my upper lip. I would have done anything to make them stop. Anything. But whatever I did, nothing helped. That's when I wanted to give up. But then I thought to myself, why give up? You're just letting them win. Do you want them to win? So I stood tall and accepted all the words they said to me. It hurt like a ton of bricks. My heart was just shattered, and my heart was bruised and just broken. But I heard that when you're heart is broken, it lets the light inside. By: Selena (bullying victim) Bullying laws need to be more strict and the sanctions need to be more harsh. Therefore, a unified system is needed, for safer and more secure America.

Home life is extremely vital in determining whether or not someone is bullied as well as personality and physics, family situations are influential on a child’s aggression. Perren suggests that families of bullies frequently have little closeness and unity, as well as being focused on power over one another. These children often report more negative family functioning than non-bullies. Because of the lack of parental and family support, many adolescents use bullying as a form of control and attention according to the website thebullyingproject. The purpose of the study was to profile sibling bullying by examining prevalence rates, the extent to which siblings perceive sibling bullying to be normative and victim-perpetrator differences in perceptions of sibling bullying. Seventy-five percent of the participants in the study reported being bullied by a sibling and 85 percent reported bullying a sibling.

"Normally in bullying research, percentages are significantly lower for perpetration than victimization.” "Notably, in this research on sibling bullying, percentages were higher for those willing to admit to perpetrating sibling bullying, suggesting that it wasn't all that big a deal."
The findings were supported by additional data showing that, among most sibling pairs, there is a norm of acceptance about sibling bullying. Victims and perpetrators did not evaluate instances of sibling bullying the same way. Victims evaluated instances of sibling bullying more negatively than perpetrators evaluated the same instances according to the website of science daily. Even if children have a good home life bullying is something that doesn’t leave it will catch up with you it could even push you into thinking about suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University.

Bullying just doesn’t start and stop at home it also extends into the classroom
if kids are not as intelligent or more slowly developing the may be made fun of possibly called “stupid” or also commonly used “mental” which is extremely incorrect, they may be smarter than the ones calling them the names but they are only slower to develop the information being projected to them. According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying. And studies by the web site bullyingstatistics 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and they will only intervene 4 percent of the time. So, although school sounds like a safe place and you hear about all these new policies they are putting in truth is nothing is gonna stop the malicious attack of a bully. The only way to prevent lives from being taken, to keep people alive is to put forth a legal document stating that if you are found guilty of bullying there could possibly be some very harsh sanctions handed down (fines, jail time) or even 1st off lets fix it at schools (suspensions, detentions, or even expulsions).

After going through a tough day at school the day is long from over for some bullying victims. Many kids like to go home and play on the computers but that’s where they make a bad mistake. About 42 percent of kids have been bullied while online with one in four being verbally attacked more than once.About 35 percent of kids have been threatened online. So the moral of the story is that parents need to be more involved with their kids online life. Text messages may be more difficult to know about, so parents should try to keep open communications with their children about bullying.

A unified system is need for America to be a safer country. Bullying laws need to be more strict and the sanctions must be more severe. To prevent kids from being bullied at home, in the classroom, and last but not least (in fact most commonly) the internet. If bullying laws are more direct and strong, stories like I shared with you earlier can and will be prevented. If you bully someone too extensively, their life might end just like this.

The author's comments:
1st story is someone else's that I quoted word for word

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