Phat | Teen Ink


November 7, 2008
By Jezabel PLATINUM, Ricmond, Virginia
Jezabel PLATINUM, Ricmond, Virginia
35 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end we will not the remeber the words of your enemys, but the silence of are friends.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

My mother and I looked uncomfortably through the clothes in the junior section. I glanced at my mother, an we met each others eyes we grimiest. I’m not fat I’m around 150, 160 and am 5’6. I got hips and so does my mum, but even for my cousin who is tall but does not have as big of hips as me. Would NOT be able to fit into these clothes. They are for girls with big breast and no fat or hips. No ever girl in high school has had plastic surgery. As we looked thought the tight jeans and short shorts, I thought about how clothes have changed so her is the scary truth. Look at what your grandma wore, then your mom, now look what you wear. Know close your eyes and just think what will your daughter be wearing. And lets say you only have boys, well what will they be looking at. Scary right

The author's comments:
if the spellings is off i'm dislegive.

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This article has 5 comments.

on Jul. 30 2016 at 8:46 pm
MusicPanda BRONZE, Cleveland, Tennessee
3 articles 3 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
A true reader is not defined by how many, or what books they have read, but by the lessons that they learn from them.

They need to make clothes adjusted for every body type. Not all of us are Barbie dolls. I'm not!

CHUPELO (; said...
on May. 20 2011 at 9:09 am
Um, i actually like tight clothes.

on May. 17 2010 at 1:17 pm
DallysGrrl PLATINUM, Middlesex, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 199 comments
I absolutely agree with this!!!! I had those t-shirts that squeeze in your stomach area and you cant breathe and then they r 2 loose in the neckline and you have to keep pulling it up. HELLO NOT EVERYONE WANTS 2 HAVE EVERYTHING HANGING OUT!! Really, those short shorts are just plain uncomfortable. I totally agree with your point. Good job. Read my work and comment pleaz?? I would really appreciate it!! THNX!!

on Nov. 7 2009 at 10:22 am
Jezabel PLATINUM, Ricmond, Virginia
35 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end we will not the remeber the words of your enemys, but the silence of are friends.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Thank u soo much

Sunshine said...
on Nov. 16 2008 at 10:48 pm
Yep. Every girl's t-shirt in the store is all tight on my shoulders and suffocates me cause it's always the stretchy tight kind! I wouldn't dare wear any of those super short shorts! What if I have to bend down to pick something up? I agree entirely.