The Considerations Behind Reinventing the Wheel | Teen Ink

The Considerations Behind Reinventing the Wheel

February 9, 2015
By Natrese BRONZE, North Charleston, South Carolina
Natrese BRONZE, North Charleston, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Humans have always been an innovative and creative species. Humans have ceaselessly created machines and gadgets that improve on life and provide great comforts. Examples may consist of the life changing light bulb, telephone, and camera - to name a few. With the rapid growth of technological and scientific advances, technologies have changed human nature; and to a very far extent. Advances of the two have prolonged life, expanded connection, and should not be relied upon with complete dependence.

Medical breakthroughs have aided in the prolonging of life.  Discovering vaccines for the common cold have kept flu seasons from becoming a burden. Some of the more pleasurable aspects of medical advances are plastic surgeries and amnesias. These tools allow in the youth of celebrities or the recreating of a face lost in a fire accident. From lab created vitamins and antioxidants, medical advances have soared as time progressed. On a topic related to the elevation of medicines, machines have collaborated with science in making possible the decontamination of water. Water purification is one of the most necessary and economically satisfactory industries in the world today. Scientists have designed a pill that can purify water for the use of military soldiers in combat and continue to build brands for the use of water purification domestically. Some of the known commercial water purification systems used in United States is Brita and AquaPure. Technology has molded the world into attainable possibilities, that were once but a mere vision. Technology has been able to acquire fresh water from miles of rock beneath the earth – this method is typically used to help bring fresh trapped groundwater to the less fortunate of other countries. This groundbreaking technique is used to mine oil for the billion dollar industry of manufacturing gasoline. Technology has brought about substantial economic prosperity and has fueled so many new ideas, often times compiling older ones to make good - better.

Technology, in this point of view, is leading humanity down an efficient and proactive path. The workings of medical breakthroughs are only but a thread in the web of how technology intertwines with science. This very multiplicity of connection illustrates the catching of the unsuspecting humanity while indeed standing invisibly before it. The recreation of the wheel, in this given sense, is preparing humanity for greater accomplishments in engineering. There is only greatness to follow technological and scientific milestones within society. It is widely understood that safety prolongs life, so the material that inspired ‘bullet proof’ is incorporated in the vests that protect our policemen, the helmets that protect our soldiers, and the cars that protect our icon - the President. Everywhere, technology is enriching some aspect of life and finalizing the task effortlessly.
          Technology is consumed more in humanity for its entertainment. It is absolutely flawless how technology can grasp the nation, taking it into movies that bring fantasy to life, allowing access to speedier information, and providing luxuries that sit people down and keep them sitting. Have you ever sat down to view the latest movie, and then afterwards, wonder about the graphics that left you at awe? Technology has brought wings to the wingless and added the fulfillment to wonderful. Throughout entertainment, the perfect sound is crucial - specifically speaking of the music industry. Amplifying sound boosts consumption. IPods, Beats headphones, Bluetooth headphones, portable pocket speakers with astounding volume, were dreamed to cater the hunger for music. Technology is stylish; technology is a symbol of being ahead. One could possibly argue it being a subtle symbol of wealth. The IPhone 6 is worth an amount that is roughly greater than that of the IPhone 4 or 5, and people with perfectly good IPhone 5’s and Samsung Galaxy 5’s are standing in outrageous lines to purchase this item. Technology trends, no doubt, especially with phones and tablets. To have the ability to say I have the latest technology feels good. Yet, there is a type of technology that fits this category of entertainment that becomes this alluded hybrid technological design: Social Media.

Social media is an infant industry that skyrocketed profoundly. Ever since the uproar of the multi-billion dollar Facebook, the world shrunk down to the size of an app. People are connecting on massive scales. People are sharing ideas and promoting new themes, ideas, backgrounds, and nationalities. Social media has become a heavy weighing attribute in the lives of technology consumers. It keeps updates, results, and efficient fluency between businesses also within educational settings. Social media is cutting-edge. Applications (aside from Facebook) include Instagram, Twitter, and the most recent being Snapchat; all doing things slightly contrasting the competition. It is amazing. After the birth of social media, technology has become revolutionary. The world is practically within the hands of who can think it better and build it even greater than that. Slowly but surely, mechanics will become the norm. Small self-running vacuum cleaners and manufacturing line robotic arms are evidence of this

In the progression of science and technology, we must remember that humans do make mistakes, therefore, total dependency upon technology is not recommended. This morning, around 5:44 am, the electricity gave way and I was awakened by the silence of my fan… It was hot in my room. I began thinking, just that instant, of how it all could be taken from humanity and how far back we would be sent if one malfunction occurred. Our oasis of touchscreens and thousands of social media friends, our amazing phones with their amazing plans, it is all so delicate - so fragile. This event also led me to think of other delicate situations we as humans have gotten ourselves in. Situations like nuclear warfare and biochemical warfare. Nuclear, hydrogen, and atom bombs could wipe out the entire human existence, without a second thought, a ‘re-do’ button, or an “Are you sure you want to delete this item” question. Humans have become so powerful in technology that intervening on someone else would make for a perilous mistake. It has been understood that with little, people assure the well-being of their neighbor. But when people gain, they are only invested with themselves and what is theirs.

Some of the mistakes that relate to bombs and erasing humanity are chemical hazards. While industries are at work, they produce pollution that come in many forms. Air pollution, water pollution, our soil is even soiled. Global warming can be linked to technology alongside infestations due to overused pesticide ingredients and hormonal imbalances in children because of overused ingredients within food products. Food is packed with corn products, the same corn products that are in batteries and medications. Technology has a side to it that is very dark and precarious. Society must be ever so aware of what the pros and cons of innovation can have. People who have little should work on themselves to gain more, that way it can be shared and passed on. I am not sure as to why it is the other way around.

My concluding considerations of scientific and technological progression are not negative, but rather quite positive. Going ‘green’ would aid in the deterioration of pollution and global warming and less overused products would dwindle hormonal imbalances and infestations. Humanity has to use what is positive and try to map out the negative underlying characteristics that may result. Technology has the power to improve and eradicate. Disconnecting and depending less on technology would be beneficial, just in case it becomes a disposable factor... like in the time of a power outage. Improvements on life will always exist for as long as there is life. The growth and development of technology is inevitable but humanity should be just a few steps ahead of their inventions.

The author's comments:

I have concluded that we as a society has subconsciously thought about the negative consequences technology is having on humanity, but is hushed by the headstrong desire to uphold power and luxury to speak against it. How important is 'futuristic' going to be to humanity before we are mistakenly and purposely shoved back into the Stone Age?

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