Passion Takes You Far | Teen Ink

Passion Takes You Far

April 1, 2016
By TungVuong123 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
TungVuong123 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have u ever complained about your job being too boring? Have u ever wanted to quit and do something you enjoy? The answer is probably yes for most of you. The reason why you say yes is very clear, you don’t have enough passion for your work. Most people will say if we try our best then passion does not matter. But passion is the most important thing when it comes to liking something you’re doing because it gives you motivation.

You selecting a job that you have passion in can result differently from you selecting a job that others enjoy. In the current society, one of the most important thing is to fit in. Most people believe that to be able to fit in with others, they have to do the same things other do. In htis case, most individual select a job that is popular in their ocmmunity but not their favorite thing to do. This usually results in people giving up on their job and losing valuable time to do things they actually enjoy doing. A job that you don’t enjoy can give you depression and reduce your love for working.

Most people argue that if you try your hardest and focus then passion is not important anymore. This is true for some case because if you try then you can still accomplish a lot of great things and be successful. But all of this will soon end, you will eventually get less awards, you will eventually receive less praise from your co-workers and at the end you don’t feel like trying anymore. In this situation passion can help keep you going and motivate you. If you have passion in your work, you will never be discourage and you will always love the thing you’re doing and continue to work at it.

Passion is a very vague and unclear word but also it is very strong. Passion can help change someone’s life and it can help a person achieve things. Passion passes motivation to people and help them achieve things they never thought they could. Passion is powerful and is very effective in assisting someone’s career.
In the end, a job or work of any kind will change for a person if the person finds passion in it. It can push someone to their limits and help everyone succeed. If an individual don’t have passion in their job, then they will likely give up and stop doing what they’re doing. In conclusion, do the job you adore don’t follow something that others like, sometimes being different but successful can help you fit in more than being alike but a failure. Find PASSION in everything you do and you will more happy and successful than ever.

The author's comments:

In my past, I have faced a lot of hardships and obstacles. Many of them has the power to knock me down and discourage me, but my passion for the work has help me thrive and overcome my fears and troubles, it gave me motivation and power. I hereby encourage everyone to find passion in everything they do and be successful at their job.

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