Teachers should be trained and qualified | Teen Ink

Teachers should be trained and qualified

March 18, 2022
By bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
37 articles 6 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
The Best & the most beautiful things in this world can't be seen or even heard,
but must be felt with the Heart.❤️

 Firstly, It is mandatory that teachers should be qualified trained and professional.
o Next, It is important to remember that education is most important part of our life without education we are nothing.

 Secondly, Teachers are the backbone of education system the quality of teacher in Pakistani schools is deplorable in the school teachers do not use new methods strategies of teaching and learning. Majority of the teachers do not know about lesson planning which renders them incapable of dealing with various problem in the process of teaching and learning.

 Thirdly, Students do not know the use of libraries in educational institutions the reading habits are decreasing among the students, and the Teachers are highly responsible for all this mess. This is the professional responsibility to guide the students towards book reading.
o Teachers rely on lecture methods which they provide an opportunity to students to participate in the process of education as active member. Students only note down the information and memorize this just to pass the examinations. Students always think about the memorization of fact and formation rather than performance.

 Lastly, We should recall that the role of teachers as best as they can. As the teachers are the spiritual parent of students and also the role model. If teacher perform their duty very well so the Student would be a Super star in all aspects.

 Turning to, the question of education which is the most important part of our life education Lays the foundation for political social and economic development of any country, education help us to achieve the goals of ours

 leaving aside the question of professional teachers how can teachers be motivated

 In Parenthesis teacher and student both are in the way of learning they rely on their mentors’ instructions. but the strategies are different

 In Sum Up there are a number of teachers they are unqualified they don't have any idea to educate the students although teacher should learn everything regarding the lesson just because of untrained teachers. student never go on a right track they go for picnic just for fun but they never go for educational trip even they go libraries for fun even though library is the place where we can learn so many things through the various of books. as well as teachers always give the less instance to clear the point that is the biggest problem where every students go through and they and they just mug up whenever their exam is scheduled.

To conclude,
 In my perception teacher must be highly qualified, trained and honest with their profession. As the student only depend on Teachers.

 Teachers should give an education in a proper way because education develops people in all domains of life such as social, moral, spiritual, political and economic it is dynamic force which enable every Nation to achieve its overall.

 In the Pakistan the education system only feeding their materials with outdated information and knowledge they just focused on their business and destroy the future of upcoming stars the quality of education too worse and due to this people are paralyze in abroad they can't do anything because they learnt from that Institute where teachers only teach the main syllabus rather than on developing students’ skills.

“Teachers Must Be Trained”

The author's comments:

This piece of writing for teachers who are not trained and qualified because the future of students totally in the hand's of teacher. All students depend on teachers whatever teachers teach them they just believe and do whatever teachers teach.

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