Talent needs sunlight | Teen Ink

Talent needs sunlight

December 2, 2022
By Anonymous

“Your talent will take you far.” “Your talent is evident.” “I wish I had your talent.” What do all these phrases have in common? One word, Talent. Talent, by definition, is a ‘natural aptitude or skill, or the ability to do something well.’ To me, talent is an exceptional natural ability, exercised in certain activities. To some, these talents are developed in music, sports, or entertainment, while some have a talent in math, writing, and public speaking. I imagine everyone has a talent, but some do not use or even realize they possess it. Talent and skill go hand in hand, and talent drives our passions. Each gift is unique to every person, just like your personality or looks. Everyone is born with talent, but not everyone gets the chance to develop it. Everyone is born with at least one talent, but the way our talent shines through our life is what is most important. 

Growing up, talent is something that I was always told I had. I lived in a small bubble of no cut theatre, but when I wanted to move beyond that bubble I was in for a rude awakening. The theatre I had previously been at I had gotten roles and done what I loved with no prior experience. I got to sing and act in lead roles like Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, and the audience loved me. My performance truly encapsulated the talent I was told all about.  They loved me because of my talent. So when I had my auditions at new, bigger, more professional theaters and each time I was not cast I didn’t understand. Everyone had said I had talent, so why was I not being casted? I was blinded by compliments at such a young age about being a gifted performer, I was sure something was wrong with me, that maybe I just wasn't good enough. What I did not understand is that others with this same talent were stronger and more developed than I was. Sure, I had the passion, and the drive, but I lacked the work and experience that many other actors and performers had put in for years. What I thought was that they were better than me, and that talent wasn’t enough. I thought they were more talented than me, and that I would never come close. Yet, my mom didn’t let me give up. She put me in dance and voice and drove me everyday to blossom this talent she believed that she saw in me, and years later those same people casted me in the shows i had only dreamed of. They were not more talented than me, my talent was just young and fresh and needed age and maturity along with drive. Without growth and practice, talent will die out like a plant with no water. 

Talent can also be used in a negative way, or a way to put your skill in a bad light. Some people are known to have a talent for lying. To see them constantly avoid the truth and get out of situations by lying is a talent, but not exactly one that is seen as positive. My Dad has an aptitude for arguing. Is this a good thing? It can be. It comes easy to him to debate topics, and to argue and win against anything you can think of, but this does not always make him the most approachable person to converse with. His talent restricts him in a way, and gives him a reputation. Some have the talent to see the worst in people, some to see the good. Talent has grown more important over the years. It’s asked about on job applications, and some TV shows are even dedicated to peoples special talents. We see different talents in the world everyday. Without talent we would not be able to reach our goals, talent is the foundation of success. 

Immense talent can cause people to sleepwalk. With talent, some think that you can float through your job or passion because it comes easier to you with talent. I think that we see this problem in our generation frequently. By thinking that this talent is going to make you succeed in whatever we want, we feel we do not have to develop this skill. But to make a talent flourish and survive it needs to be practiced and worked at. My talent for the arts had to be nurtured in order to develop. People also use talent to justify when you can’t do something, you just don’t have the ‘talent’ for it. Talent can not be used as our excuse, talent is not a cover up.  Natural talent is used as an excuse to not have to try or not work at something because we are just good at it. We see this in school, with the kids that don’t have to study for the same test you studied hours for, and they get a higher grade than you. Talent is what allows us to do something better than others, to unlock our true potential. A quote that relays this is one from Tim Notke that says, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” 

Our talents are what makes each of us unique. Talent leads us, guides us, it can be the lamp unto our otherwise dark path. To live your life without discovering and evolving your talent is not living. Talent is like a child, they need to be nurtured and cared for in order for them to shine, but once they do your talent will light up your world. Talent can open a door to new beautiful opportunities, because talent lives in everyone. 

The author's comments:

This piece was written as a definition essay 

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