Why HighSchools should start school later | Teen Ink

Why HighSchools should start school later

June 2, 2023
By Anonymous

High schools should consider having later start times. I believe this because most kids have responsibilities other than school and themselves. Some have to work and go to school at the same time some kids also play sports and have to deal with late practices and still find time to do their homework when they get home late already. Just for them to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to do it all again. Some kids just like me have to even take their siblings to school some days because everyone is working and they are the only ones available to get them ready for school which makes them late as well in the process. All of these things make it harder for teens to go to school and function and participate in school or class properly. I have also seen studies that say teens' brain chemistry does not allow them to go to sleep. Something that supports my argument and that I see being talked about is in an article written by CDC.” Centers for Disease Control  “Schools Start Too Early Sleep and Sleep Disorders”  In this article it explains the benefits of starting school later so that the kids have more time and energy to get ready for school and be productive while in class. They also include important facts on why sleep is important for teens and kids to have so that they can function well throughout the day. For example, they talk about the benefits of sleep and also the consequences of it linked with facts and evidence in the text of the article. “The American Academy of Sleep Medicine 

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 recommends that teenagers aged 13 to 18 years should regularly sleep 8 to 10 hours per day for good health. Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to Be overweight, Not engage in daily physical activity, Suffer from symptoms of depression, Engage in unhealthy risk behaviors such as drinking, smoking tobacco, and using illicit drugs, and Perform poorly in school.”  I also felt a connection to this text because when I was younger I had trouble sleeping at night so it made me struggle in school because I hardly had enough sleep to stay up and participate throughout the day and get work done. Something that I believe that the schools and government should consider making this possible is by making attempts to show the government the benefits of starting school later so that they can apply it to schools all around to help the kids in all schools not only be more healthy by getting more sleep but also getting the kids to function and work better throughout the day at school.  In summary, I believe that we should take everything talked about in the text. But mostly about making high school time later. And if we get to apply this rule to schools, I feel like it will be better because we will be making an investment in our future generations of kids. 




Works Cited 


Schools Start Too Early | Sleep and Sleep Disorders | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

5 October 2022,


Accessed 5 May 2023.

The author's comments:

I wrote this article To show why schools should start later with more sleep. and How it is beneficial for students to function properly in school when they have the right amount of sleep. 

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