What's your major? | Teen Ink

What's your major?

February 23, 2014
By ThetrueGuy509 GOLD, Dorchester, Massachusetts
ThetrueGuy509 GOLD, Dorchester, Massachusetts
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work your hardest today to make tomorrow easier.<br /> Things that you do today inspire stories that you tell tomorrow.

Most college students don't notice if they are already a Loan Graduate even before they finish their first semester in College. I laugh when hearing students say, "I'm undeclared;" or “I double major in English.” I laugh because of the fact that to me this is joke to my ears.
We're are enticed into choosing a major, graduate with at least one major in four years, but in less than a year all college freshmen are already graduates magnate cum laude in debt. I have been cheated and entered the system knowing that In a few years I was going to be a young educated Arts major, and a Women Studies minor without noticing that I am a loan major. Not knowing if I have graduated in debt even before I finish my undergrad studies.

You are not undeclared, nor do you double major in English only. Either you do not know if you have chosen to major in DEBTS/LOANS or you do not want to talk about it. Who knew college/University was one of the best and well-organized robbery networks? The paradox of a college education system; the system I trusted to help me make wiser decisions is the same system that is certified to rob me; and making sure that I graduate early with debts and loans higher than the “knowledge” I paid to be fed.

Thank you college loans and debts I can finally keep my head up and shoulders squared and say it proudly that, "I am a college graduate with a major in Debts and I owe it all to infinitely and unplayable loans".

The author's comments:
Since it's not illegal to analyze things and draw personal definition to them; I thought it would worth the time to think about Loan as a dominant major in College/University.


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