Wireless Internet Laptop | Teen Ink

Wireless Internet Laptop

February 26, 2009
By carstorm SILVER, Harrisonburg, Virginia
carstorm SILVER, Harrisonburg, Virginia
6 articles 2 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One who has done nothing can not criticize one who has done little"

I think every student should have a Wifi enabled laptop for several reasons. They would easily be able to type papers right from their desk, or anywhere else. Students would also be able to contact their teachers through the laptops. Also no matter where you are, you will always have access to the internet as long as your laptop is with you. Students could also look at pictures and videos of what's being studied.

First off, with a wireless internet laptop, students could easily type their papers from anywhere. This would shorten the transition time from one lesson to another because the class would not have to go to the computer lab, which could take 5 extra minutes each way.

Also kids can contact the teacher through the laptop. This is especially good if a student is shy or if they think its a dumb question. They can just chat to the teacher and no-one will ever hear a word or know about it besides the student and the teacher. This would also help because talking can be distractive, but if everyone is typing then it will be just another background noise.For exsample in my communication technology class I would rather people type the question to the teacher instead of calling the teacher over and asking aloud.

Students will always have access to the internet and reference sites. So students who don't have access to the internet, now will. They can work on school projects anywhere such as school, the park, their house, ect... and this will be especially convienient because they can work as they are traveling. They will also always have access to reference sites such as google.com, ask.com, which are search engines, and also to onelook.com, which is an on line dictionary. Plus lots of other sites.

With wireless internet laptops, students would also be able to look at pictures and videos on the web. This would help, especially those who don't understand, because they could watch videos and see what the actual things look like. For exsample if you are studing Myan artifacts than you could look them up on Google Images.

Granted, this could cause many problems. However, there are ways around the problems. While some people may wander to other, and possibly inappropriate sites, there are ways to prevent this. You could monitor the sites they are on or even block sites. And yes, the laptop may distract them, but you could have them either close or turn off the monitor. And while some people might argue students would lose or damage the laptop, you could make them responsible for any damage caused by them. And while laptops are expensive to buy and operate, it would save in other areas, such as the cost of paper and pencils. Printing could also be a problem. Through a wireless connection though you could connect them all to one printer.

So as you can see the benefits of every student having their own wireless internet laptop out weighs the cons.

The author's comments:
This is the second thing I,ve submitted to Teen Ink with my other work a poem called Rhyme Time which got accepted to thier website. THis article though, I,m hoping will get into the magizine. Also keep a look out as for I will be sending in more of my works soon.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 12 2009 at 12:13 am
Austin Weber BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 5 comments
This is something I'd love to see in the future, but there are numerous problems, several you have already talked about in this article, that would make certain schools not want to use this form of device to get work done.

For starters, yes. The laptops are going to be expected to be broken, or perhaps lost. Even when the schools would most likely make the student pay the amount of cost to replace the laptop. I don't think many schools would want to keep going through that.

Though you have said some very good things about how great it would be to have one. Especially, if I may add, that it would save trees perhaps by less use of paper.

on Jul. 11 2009 at 1:04 pm
TheHandThatWieldsThePen SILVER, Shapleigh, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 74 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's waste time
chasing cars
around our heads."
--Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

"I do believe it's true
there are roads left in both of our shoes
if the silence take you then I hope it takes me too."
--Soul Meets Body by Death Cab For Cutie

You make some excellent points. I'm from Maine and our school does have a laptop for every student.

Certain sites are blocked, and we all are hooked up to a central printer.

Eventually, though, the printer thing became a problem with so many students, so we set up a thing called a drop box. It's kind of like email. We "dropped" are papers to our teachers, and t saved paper!