Kalief Browder, the victim of mass incarceration | Teen Ink

Kalief Browder, the victim of mass incarceration

September 26, 2018
By Anonymous

 At age 16, Kalief Browder was accused of stealing a backpack containing an iPod, $700, a camera, and a credit card. While he was awaiting trial, he was placed in Rikers Island for three years. Rikers is notorious for having violent guards and inmates. It also has “The Program” This term means an inmate must let others have their phone calls, left over food, and whatever else they may ask for.  “The Program” plays a large role in Mr. Browder’s case.   


Kalief was assaulted many times while in Rikers, due to him refusing to join “The Program.”  These assaults resulted in him having broken limbs and injured ribs.  As a result of this, he was moved more than five times, though he faced the same dilemma.  

On October 20, 2010, a gang manager spat on Kalief’s face.  After, he punched the gang leader, and was later placed in solitary confinement for two week.  While in solitary, he believed he was going to be fine, but this notion was a fallacy.  He stated “ I began to talk to myself” and “ They starved me.”

 During his time in solitary, he was given scraps of inmates food, and began to lose weight.  Kalief's mother said “He looked about 130 pounds.”  He also explained that the cell had fetuses on the wall, a humid climate, and mice infestation.  He would constantly ask the guard for a cup of ice, due to the heat, but was ignored do or the guards made retorts.  

 Scientists founds that animals that are placed in cages for an excessive amount of time will create another from ozone.  I never want to compare Kalief to an animal, but that is how he was treated.  After he was released from Rikers, he became someone unrecognizable.  “He would close the blinds, and have us in complete darkness,” his brother explained.  Kalief would also walk around the corners of his backyard. He stated “ That was all I was allowed to do,” referring to his time in Rikers.  From this, one can infer that mentally he was still incarcerated.  


 Kalief’s mother explained that Kalief did not trust anyone, and he felt suicidal and paranoid. He attempted by sucided, but his sister was there to save him, as she immediately called the ambulance.  Later, he was rushed to the hospital, while here, he was prescribed Risperidone.  This medication was prescribed to treat skityfernnia and bipolar disorder.  He informed the doctor that he had taken the same medication while in Rikers, and it made him feel “spaced.” Though, he took effect the medication, due to the fact that the doctors would not release him until he did so.  

Following the incident, he realized he was no longer in Rikers , and wanted to live.  Kalief appeared on “ the View,” alongside his lawyer, Paul Prestia.  He also spoke to Marc Lamot Hill, and told him about his experiences at Rikers. He wanted to tell his story, while him and his layer were suing the city of New York.  


On June 6, 2015, Kalief hung himself, at the age of 22.  His death will never be forgotten, his brother Akeem, took to the streets of New York to demand justice for Kalief, and has became an advocate for prison reform.  Following his death, former president, Barack Obama stated “ I am adopting its recommendation to reform he prison system. These in crude banning solitary confinement for juveniles.”  

The most absurd part about Kalief’s story is that he is not the first.  Many people have been incarnated, and placed in solitary confinement, but now it is our job to fight for all the victims of mass incarceration.  

The author's comments:

I have recently gained interest in the criminal justice system.  While Iwas doing some research, I stumbled over the name Kalief Browder.  Later, I watched the Netflix documentary, and read many articles about him.  

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