World of Judgement | Teen Ink

World of Judgement

December 12, 2018
By Jaidan-P7 BRONZE, Wilson, North Carolina
Jaidan-P7 BRONZE, Wilson, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Millenials are killing the ________ industry” screams the older generation as they point their soft padded fingers from their high perches. They sit in their nice houses admiring their corner offices and high paying jobs. They screech at us for not buying houses in the industry they ruined. We are chided for buying small comforts that make our lives slightly worth living. We are tried in a court made up of the generation that had it all. The judge, jury, and executioner sitting in their high padded seats. They make up the court, the defence, and the opposition. A trial that is set against us from the minute we are born. They use their own outdated experiences to show how we should live.Our generation has been framed for the crimes of the world that now judges us so harshly. They punish us for not buying things when the prices go up and our wages stay the same. Each industry that falls, an effect of the crimes they commited, is pushed on to us. Another year of punishment. Just one more strike for the whipping boy of the world.

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