Animal Cruelty Should | Teen Ink

Animal Cruelty Should

December 14, 2018
By fernandez-jannet BRONZE, Sacramento, California
fernandez-jannet BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many years until now there's been abuse of animals around the world, Every person thinks animals don't have any fellings as us humans,  the poor animals suffering abuse by their cold-hearted owners who don't realize that animals can feel every bit of pain. Pets are more than animals, they are the same as people, they feel pain, suffer, and experience stress affection, excitement and even love you give them.  

It’s gotta stop, It’s gotta end ! the pain you cause its real they deserve the right to survive without the abuse and harm that is giving to them, animals are living in fear. People mistreat them it takes place in homes being treated unfair and forced to live in extremely unhealthy environments given no attention and are often beaten severely causing extremely pain and suffering.  For a example, i seen animals getting abuse on social media the owners are proudly posting it like if there's nothing wrong with what they are doing . It’s extremely sad how they see them crying as ‘yelling out for help’.

This is not okay at all and just because animals can not tell us to stop and are too helpless to do anything doesn't mean we have the right to mistreat them like shit, we gotta speak up for this animals who don't have a voice like we do.Humans have become selfish enough to abuse innocent animals, people don't realize that animals too have the right to live on this planet as much as us humans do. For example in article “ Teen ink, Animals have emotions like us its says “ dogs are called ‘man’ best-friend for a reason, they are understandable and they are always there for you when you need them.”

Animal cruelty can be stopped NOW !  I believe they should be treated fairly, and not be abuse they should feel safe in this world. Us humans and animals have common emotions that we could relate to them and we can’t even tell because they express it in a different way from us.

The author's comments:

I'm against animal abuse and i agree we should make it should stop. 

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