Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By BWirkus46 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
BWirkus46 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
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Imagine how advanced we might be in technology in a couple of years. How different our lives will be. Dystopian literature shows us how characters live in the future and how they live. People are making books and movies about this topic. Why is dystopian literature so popular?

The dystopian world is not perfect but to them it is the best way to live. In the story Harrison Bergeron, everyone was no better than anybody else. Nobody was prettier, stronger, or smarter than others. Everyone was average and they thought that meant everyone was equal. “Every twenty seconds or so,the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantages of their brain.” George is an intelligent person, but in order for everyone to be equal he has to be as smart as everyone else. So every 20 seconds some sharp noise goes off in his brain to keep him from thinking to long. Can you imagine in the future having a twenty-one-gun salute go off in your ear to prevent you from thinking? If that were to happen to us now, we would not get anything accomplished.  “If I tried to get away with it,” said George, “then other people’d get away with it and pretty soon we’d be right back to the dark ages again, with everyone competing against everybody else.”Everybody has to obey the rules, but these rules are a bit extreme. The people have to keep everything they are required to wear on. If they don’t, they have to pay an expensive fine or go to prison. This is not a good way to live, but it helps them to prepare for things that could happen in the future.

An example of being rebellious is begging your mom to do something with your friends. She told you no. Then you scream “I hate you” at her because you didn’t get your way. But you go out with your friends anyway because that is what you want to do.In the story The Veldt, the family lives in a house that does everything for you. You don’t don’t have to do a thing. The parents spoil their kids a little to much. The kids don’t respect their parents whatsoever and when the parents finally tell them no, the children get revenge.“That sounds terrible! Would I have to tie my own shoes instead of letting the machine do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?”The son in the story is complaining that he has to do everything himself. The house cooks, cleans , and does everything for anyone. The parents and the kids don’t have to do anything. What if we had a house like that. That did everything for us. We might enjoy for the first couple of days but after awhile we might get sick of it. “The two children were so upset that they couldn’t control themselves. They screamed and danced around and threw things. They shouted and cried and called them rude names and jumped on the furniture.”The children were really mad at their parents for taking away the nursery. The dad said he would close it for good. The kids did not like that so they decided to act out. We all hate when parents tell us no for things but in this case they did it to themselves. They can’t handle that their parents tell them no. Hopefully not all kids are like that in future.

We have advanced in technology a lot over the years. But there are somethings that we have not accomplished yet. The story Ten With a Flag, has a lot of advanced technology. There is one thing called central that predicts what could happen in the future. They are over 99% accurate. Can you imagine having something that can predict your life and the people already know what could happen. That is not the only thing that they have made. “My wardrobe has picked out a deep- blue chiffon evening gown for me.” The closet choose her dress for her.” This closet picks out the girls outfit for her. If we had that in our world, we would probably be on time to everything. We wouldn’t freak out about what we should wear everyday. It would be nice ad maybe we will have one in the future.“Once we’d turned onto the surfaces streets, Johnnie engaged the auto-drive and leaned back in his seat.”This guy can turn his car on it drive itself. If you have an appointment that you need to go to, even if it is last minute, the car will take you there right away. If we had that now, nobody would be late anymore. And if we were late, we would have to have a pretty good excuse.

Living in a dystopian world like one of these doesn’t seem like it is for our world. Maybe where we live right now is not perfect, but it is certainly better than living in one of those stories. It is so amazing to see what could happen in the future. And these stories can make us change the way we think.

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