Teen Suicide is a Problem For Everyone | Teen Ink

Teen Suicide is a Problem For Everyone

February 22, 2019
By Autumn-H BRONZE, Asheville, North Carolina
Autumn-H BRONZE, Asheville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Death. We all talk about it in silly ways to try to deal with the fact that it is something we can’t control. We say things like “kick the bucket” or “bite the dust” to deal with the pain of our loved ones being torn away from us quicker than we expect. Especially teens today.

Let's face it, this generation of youth is being bombarded with media and social constructs of why we aren’t good enough. Images that we need to be better; that we are ugly or not skinny enough. Images that we are too complicated or too needy. I can say that I personally have heard the phrase “we didn’t have bathroom gender issues when I was a kid” too many times. And then the adults say “ Oh I didn’t see any signs that he might be depressed.” or “I didn’t know she was going to kill herself!”. This is the world they raise us in, they rip any individuality we feel and then act surprised when we suffer from it and don’t want to be here anymore.

How can we do it? It is ok to not be ok. We deserve to be loved and supported no matter what. If they would just give us easy access to help, like putting a suicide or depression prevention life line on one out of every ten billboards.Or promote healthy body types on the things we are pressured into buying just to be “beautiful”. I know we can’t change any laws or change the way our huge businesses promote their products immediately, but we can move toward a change for the better. We are the next face of this country, wouldn't they rather us be happy with who we are? Or happy with how we grew up? Don't they want us to feel loved and supported so that we can love and support our children? I know that for sure am not changing who I am just because someone told me I am not “lady like”. If adults would come together and realise we need them to accept embrace us for being who we are then maybe we could live to graduate college, or have our first child, or travel the world, or just anything we have always dreamed about doing. So reach out to the adult(s) in your life who do care, whether they are your parent, or teacher, or pastor, just reach out. I hope for your sake and mine that there will be a change, and soon.

The author's comments:

I wrote about something that has affected me directly. I have been admitted to a mental hospital in the past for anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideations. Many of my friends have had to deal with mental health issues suicidal thoughts as well. I really hope that teenagers read tis and agree with em and feel empowered to asl for help or help others.

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