What The World Needs Now | Teen Ink

What The World Needs Now

April 30, 2019
By csol BRONZE, Hemet, California
csol BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 1965, a man named Hal David wrote the lyrics to a song titled “What the World Needs Now Is Love.” In the time of the ’60s when this song was written, various issues such as the discrimination against women and black Americans, the assassination of JFK, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., the Vietnam war, and various other issues, plagued the lives of American citizens. During this decade that was at times chaotic, rose the powerful and thought-provoking movement known as the Hippie Movement, where millions of young adults focused on the ideas of peace and love to stand up against the discriminative and war-filled world that surrounded them. Although the movement was at times counterproductive, the initial ideas of love and peace infiltrated American life and culture by introducing new ways of living and new ways of thinking.

In today's society, we have improved so much from the ’60s, with new laws encouraging the progress of black Americans and encouraging the progress of women, and although we still battle in wars today, we have become more aware of the damage that war can cause. With the rise of awareness for what is occurring in our country, still lies countless problems that Americans must face such as The Black Lives Matter Movement, the  LGBTQ+ social Movements, the Feminist Movement, the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Movements, The large divide between Democrats and Republicans, along with countless other issues that to this day our world is still battling with. Today, we no longer have proper discussions about what should be done in our world, but we argue and yell over one another believing that our soul values are the only ones that matter. We no longer reach out to different people with different views but stay trapped inside of our own little bubbles and own little realities, of what we perceive as politically correct. What the world needs now is to rekindle the ideas of love and peace into our society, and no I am not suggesting that we all gather in groups and use LSD while holding up peace signs. Rather I am suggesting that the American people begin to open their eyes and minds to the views of others with different backgrounds and cultures and look upon these ideas with love rather than constant judgment, ignoring the minds of others simply for disagreeing with your thoughts. What the world needs now is not constant disagreement, but rather, just as Hal David would say, what the world needs now is love.

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