Society Today | Teen Ink

Society Today

January 7, 2021
By lemony16 BRONZE, Midland Tx, Texas
lemony16 BRONZE, Midland Tx, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Society Today”

I used to get questions asking me all the time, how are you?, how was your day?, or what's wrong? But those silly little questions never meant anything. No matter how sad I was or how messed up I was feeling. NO one actually cared. They either asked out of pity or routine. You see in society we are so used to asking these questions and receiving a normal reply, that we don’t know what to do when somebody actually says something is wrong. We are so used to people holding in their feelings. We brush it off as if they just are having really bad hormones or being over dramatic. What's so wrong today is that we just assume that everyone’s okay… that no one is actually upset. When really they do need someone's love and support. You’ll never really understand how someone's feeling unless you’ve felt that way.


 I had a friend that would cut herself, but for some reason I could understand how she was feeling. Now I've never harmed myself, but I do understand what she’s feeling. She was so heartbroken. Our other friends would always tell me when she wasn’t there, about how she just wanted attention. But I knew they just didn’t understand. On the outside she looked so happy. Always smiling, laughing. In our alone moments alone moments she would tell me that at home, her family never asked how she was. People would say “Well she wasn’t being abused”. No she wasn’t, but just because you're not being abused or bullied; does not mean you aren’t hurting. The reason why she felt that way for so long is because she felt neglected. Just as I one have. Maybe not from my family, but others around me.She said later that possibly ever since she realized that I truly cared, that I’m the reason that she was still standing. As if she was once a building ready to fall, but people built back up before it could. She’s the reason I don’t feel so alone.Knowing that I’m the one keeping her smiling, makes me smile. 


Just because a teacher asks you what's wrong; does not help, due to maybe not feeling truly comfortable about telling them. There is no way to know how we truly feel. They give us a suicide prevention quistioneer, and expect us to answer honestly. I as a person will not tell someone I don’t I don’t know, how I feel. This is what’s wrong with society. We as people have made it this bad. We as a generation have put together in our minds that we need to only put ourselves first. We have become so selfish that envy consumes us. 

  In society today the discussion of sexualizing women has come up. I once came to school wearing a black skirt (which was in dresscode) and got in trouble for it. But the only person that said anything was a male teacher. This had made me uncomfortable the entire day. As women in this society we cannot bend over without the stares of men. As if my behind was tempted to be looked at or grabbed. We cannot go out in something revealing or we will be so called “tempting the men around us”. Our shall I say the little boys that have not been taught to keep their eyes and hands to themselves. They love to use the excuse of us watching them when their shirts are off, but as we’re getting stares for everything we do. They’re getting stares for working out.

  Not only are we stared at. We are also judged by other females around us. This causes us to look in the mirror feeling fat or unwanted. It hurts….really bad.I can’t go to the store and try on tight clothing or I won’t even be able to look at myself in the mirror. It’s so hard to be perfect for others. No one is perfect. If we lose weight, people will tell us we look anorexic. If we are too tan we stop going out in the sun and are labeled as anemic. There is no way of not getting judged today. As people tell me I’m not perfect, I can only want to be perfect even more. In society there is no way of feeling comfortable in your own skin. I cannot go out with little skin thinking that I’m not fat. Society has set such high expectations that people have no ability to reach them. Not even the people that created them. This is what's wrong with society….

It’s hard… It’s hard to pretend everything's okay

The author's comments:

This was written out of pure frustration. I did not mean for anyone to see this originally. It started as just a rough day at school.

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