The Thought of Foster Care | Teen Ink

The Thought of Foster Care

December 10, 2009
By GOLD, Parsons, Kansas GOLD, Parsons, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
u are what u eat

To some kids foster care may or can be very scary or if you are in a good loving home, you could be blessed, but the reason I am writing today is to inform my readers that it is ok to be in foster care and that you do not have to hide out or stand alone by yourself because I myself am in foster care and I would like to share strategies and information to help you through your good and bad times.

I want you to sit back or stand comfortably as I share a little brief story of mine. You see as a very young child I had parents who did drugs and at that time were not that good of parents to me. SRS had came and took me away and later on I was placed into foster care. So right now at this moment I can bet that there are a few people who can already relate to being placed in foster care at a young age and without them what would we have done I mean they are really a blessing if you think about it. I would not of liked to have grown up into that environment and I probably would not be the same person that I am standing here today.

So now I will get onto the one home that really matters the most especially after being placed in so many of them. It is a home in Parsons Kansas where I have grown into a great loving and well educated young man and I do not think that I would have made it without them because after moving so much you get a little crazy and have a lot of bad days. Now I know you may not fully like your foster parents or workers and may not agree with them because you feel that they are not doing enough or are doing just enough to get by, but if you trust God 100% and are willing to try your hardest in school and at home, giving your efforts you will succeed and get along very well in life. Life is full of surprises and great things just waiting around the corner, and God has a plan for everyone meaning that you being in foster care for something that your family has done to you of something that you have created on your own, foster care is there to protect you and keep you safe from harm. Now I know that you get scared at times in your life but hope for the best. Your workers are there for you so sit down and open up, talk to them about how you really feel because they can help you.
You do not have to be alone go out today and go meet people, make friends and enjoy life do not let your troubles get you down. Life is full of things so go out and explore. I was scared when I first came to this home because I did not know any one but I worked on my behaviors and went to therapy and let them help me along with my parents. Now I am not perfect but I will try to do my best and succeed in life because I want to make the best of it and given my life I hope you do too. I want this to be an inspiration and something to help you go on. So work hard, talk and get to know people and I hope and know that with your strength that you will make it back home to your parents if they are better now or somewhere you want to go. Failure is not an option. I want you to get involved in activities and things that you love to do because only you can do them the best way you know how. So wrapping this up I would like to say good luck to all.

The author's comments:
For kids in foster care all over I give hope.

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This article has 2 comments. GOLD said...
on Feb. 16 2010 at 11:27 am GOLD, Parsons, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
u are what u eat

you are so welcome sorry i was not able to comment back sooner but i have been so busy, i believe if you have hope you have life, let god guide us along

on Jan. 30 2010 at 8:09 pm
LihuaEmily SILVER, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
7 articles 3 photos 196 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is said that there's no such thing as a free lunch. But the universe is the ultimate free lunch." -Alan Guth

A great article. Thanks for reminding us that life can be and is wonderful, even behind the hurt that happens.