9 Ways to Help You Smile | Teen Ink

9 Ways to Help You Smile

September 7, 2012
By AmandaFish GOLD, Draper, Utah
AmandaFish GOLD, Draper, Utah
11 articles 3 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
He who doth not know me, cannot love me.

1.Laugh at random places in a conversation.
2.Do a random act of kindness without being asked then sit back and watch your parents puzzle over where their real child went.
3.Laugh until you cry.
4.Tape bubble wrap on to your feet then walk around the mall.
5.Go to an elementary school play and scream out ,”I love you Bob! You are my favorite!” This will make you and a kid named Bob happy.
6.Try and drink water upside down.
7.Say a word repeatedly multiple times until it sounds like something else.
8.Give your little cousin a lemon and say it tastes good.

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