Optimism | Teen Ink


April 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Optimism. It’s a great thing. It allows you to meet new people and make new friends. You see the best in people, which not many people can do. In general, it makes you happy. But sometimes being an optimist sets you up to get let down. Sometimes it just doesn’t make you quite so happy.

When you expect the best in people, you can be really disappointed. When people aren’t as nice or friendly, and your hopes get let down. When people show a side you never thought existed, it’s disheartening. Sometimes the pessimism of others stirs your optimism. The same happens in situations that you expect to be fine, but aren’t. But the fact is, nothing’s perfect and everything can’t be happy-go-lucky. That is why I believe there aren’t more optimists in the world.

Disappointment always threatens optimism. But they will happen whether you’re an optimist or not. At the end of the day optimism gives you a better outlook on disappointments. It also gives you a better outlook on life. Optimism is the only way to get through life successfully with a smile on your face.


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