Why do teens decide to kill their selves? | Teen Ink

Why do teens decide to kill their selves?

April 22, 2013
By Kristin_Hall_7 BRONZE, West Blocton, Alabama
Kristin_Hall_7 BRONZE, West Blocton, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why Do People decide to kill their selves?

Have you ever wondered why so many teens commit suicide? According to “Sobering Statistics,” among college students, suicide is the second leading cause of death. In our generation, teenagers are faced with many obstacles they think they cannot handle and death is the only way out.

There are people we know that have either attempted or succeeded in suicide. The ones who have attempted suicide really do not want to die. They just want to feel normal, accepted, and to feel like there is someone who cares about them.

Teens that try to commit suicide or succeeded usually have gone through a tragic event or have depression or other disorders. Usually teens that have depression or anxiety have never been treated for those disorders. It will eventually or most of the time leads to suicide.

In today’s schools there are fewer classrooms that usually have thirty or so students in one classroom. Children going through depression or anxiety panic more when they have to present a project in front of a huge class. Because of larger classrooms, children with these disorders panic and may feel like they are left out and don’t feel like they are needed and they go off on their own and kill their selves. We need to have smaller classes with more teachers to have one on one time.

Bullying is a major part of why teens want to try or succeed in killing their selves. Kids who do not have the new fashion purse, the new cool jeans, or maybe the new type of shoes are always looked down on or bullied by other children. Or maybe girls or boys that are ashamed of their body. For example, they are not skinny enough or not the right size many other people are. All of these little things can lead to suicide.

In today’s society, we do not talk about suicide like we need too. We need to advertise preventions on suicide on TV, the radio, and even in schools. According to “SUPRE” every year almost one million people die from suicide. These people need help but do not have a way to get any. No one should feel so low to the point where they feel like they need to use suicide as a way out. We need to do something today or we will lose more of the people we love.

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