Is Fast-Food Good or Bad? | Teen Ink

Is Fast-Food Good or Bad?

April 25, 2013
By angel murguia BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
angel murguia BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Will you still buy fast-food if you know that the food has unknown ingredients?
Many people said “yes” until they knew what ingredients are in their food. “McDonald’s French fries are made at the same factories that make fries for the other fast-food chains,” (Schlosser 102). If the fries are made in the same factories, but they’re sold at different restaurants but with the same flavors and same ingredients, then why do they sell the fries at different prices? You as a consumer you think the price of the fries are fair?

“Dannon strawberry yogurt gets its color from carmine, as do many candies, frozen fruit bars, fruit fillings, and ocean spray pink grapefruit juice drink,”(Schlosser 122). So if carmine is in these foods, did you think they get their flavor from carmine? I as a fast-food consumer next time I buy these food I will investigate what exactly is carmine and if is not too bad for my health and I think you need to do the same thing like me.

Beef Products Inc. uses an innovative process to turn fatty beef trimmings, which used to go mainly into pet food and other by products, into hamburger filler. Because the trimmings are at risk for E. coli or Salmonella contamination, the company adds a mixture of Ammonia and water to kill bacteria, \I think if a factory has failed when they’re working in killing bacteria and don’t kill it all, there will be a lot of dead people and that will be dangerous. That can cause the factory and the restaurants to close and they will have a lot of problems. But when you think about all these chemicals in your food, don’t you think that is gross? Or what you think if you know that the food you eat, before contains all these bacteria? In my opinion I think all these chemicals in your food are gross, but consumers have their own opinion.

Some ingredients that health conscious consumers consider unacceptable are MSG (or free glutamate, including anything hydrolyzed or autolized), artificial colors, artificial flavors, and the most preservatives. Most of meat from any of the major chains has emulsifiers, preservatives, MSG, artificial colors, trans-fats, and hidden ingredients under generic labels such as spices, or natural and artificial flavors. Some of these food additives are not food at all, but are chemicals that are generally recognized as safe. Most of these additives cannot be found at your local grocery store, probably, because aren’t food. But some can be found at your local hardware store, though in unable products like low toxic antifreezes, silicones caulk, soap, sunscreen, and play sand, Many of these foods have different chemicals on them but my question is, are they good for our health or can it be dangerous for us? Or you as a person who eat fast-food,what you think if this food is not natural at all, but something on it is artificial? You think is bad for us? In my own POV in think is bad because you never know if these artificial food can cause you different diseases.

In my opinion, I think some of fast-foods are healthy depends on the chemicals that the food have and some of them can be dangerous for our health, but at the end the public chooses if they want to eat fast-food again or not. I think people next time they are going to buy fast-food they will need to investigate what is in their food before eat it.

The author's comments:
America is the most obese country in the world and that inspire me to write about fast-fast

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