Riscking For Others | Teen Ink

Riscking For Others

May 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Recently in my English class we have read The Book Thief by Mark Zusak . The book is narrated by Death himself showing the good that people do for each other. Doing the right think can later lead into consequences at the end. For example the Humerman family risk their lives by helping out a Jew, keeping him in their basement treating him like family during the time of the Holocaust.

You should help others because later on you will feel good about yourself. Even though this seems a little selfish taking a chance is always risky, but always hope for the best. But at the end it is worth it, sometimes you can later on have a strong bond with people because the see how noble you are. For example In The Book Thief shows a great example of taking a chance. Papa (Hans Humberman) is a man who to chances being in the war his chances of dying where super close thanks to a Jew that saved his life. This Jew had a son Max. Rough times came, Hitler came into power blinding every German sawing that Jew are the enemy. Papa talking a major risk that is one of the Nazi found out could cost his life and the people that helped. Everyone in the family pitched in to help Max for example Rosa Huberman (mama) on page 343 “Rosa was still asking the meaning of this interruption when the kindly part ma noticed Lisel.” Mama was stalling the Nazi solider while Lisel and Papa figured out somewhere to keep Max safe. The humbermans are the kind of people who are noble. They have humanity , this ios not having pity for max all Hans is trying to do is return the favor of saving a life. Just like Max’s father saved his life without think it twice Hans returned the favor. It won’t only make you feel good about yourself that seems a selfish but also being aware that someone was in need and you helped them.

Many people believe in the term” Karma” in the Indian religion is the concept of “action” or “good deed” if you do good and do something good to help out other you will reactive something good in your own life. But if you ignore the situation you will be severely punished for walking away. I think that someone that will be punished for what he did would be. According to NBC 4 New York, recently a 20 year old man opened fire at Connecticut elementary school killing 26 people including 20 children age 5-10 in one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S history. In the school Sandy Hook the shooter named Adam Lanza. This man will receive hid “Karma” after killing the innocent children he killed himself. This shows that he did have love for others, but most importantly love himself. He seemed like an unhappy person. According to christen believe he will not earn his way up to heaven. Stated by the 6th commandment “do not murder” Be a good person to others and you will receive good in life, be a bad person and you will be punished in life, either by something equally bad happening to you or going to hell and not earning your way into heaven.

Most important either than being selfish and just thin king on the benefits it has on you and the risk on it. Be satisfied by knowing you helped someone. You shouldn’t force yourself to make the right decision. Have some humanity for others, for example Ellie Wisel grew up during the Holocaust. At age 15 he was deported to Auschwitz , his whole family was separated. He stayed with his dad and they arrived together to the concentration camp; shortly his father died. Ellie Wisel formed a foundation to help others. Persuading other people to do the right thing no matter what the consequence is he has a quote that inspires people to help out. One person making a change can later on make the world a better place. Ellie Wisel quotes “Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangers, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Whenever men or woman are persecuted because of their race, religion or political views. That place must –at that moment become the center of the universe.” Many people are touched and it should be taking as a reality check for most people. Elie Wisel grew up in the time of the holocaust, where his dignity was reined, there was no type of respect shown. Many at that time were blinded by words Ellie Wisel is trying to make a change because he knows what it feels like and he doesn’t want anyone else leaving that. One person can make the change.

Lastly, making a change in the world we are leaving in. just like in The Book Thief the main narrator quotes on page 550 “ I am hunted by humans” because death can see all the bad things going around us it seems like we want to destroy one another. The consequences can be seen as both way do good, and there is the risk of having a consequence. Do bad and karma will get you? Helping other to feel good about yourself without getting anything in return

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