speaking etiquette | Teen Ink

speaking etiquette

May 17, 2013
By innadragnya BRONZE, Cheney, Washington
innadragnya BRONZE, Cheney, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Speaking Etiquette
Being interrupted by teenage friends is very annoying – In fact being interrupted by anyone is disturbing and nobody likes it. When googled, “Why do people hate being interrupted?” 12,800,000 sites were given, so obviously nobody likes to be interrupted. Teenage friends who interrupt and constantly, say things not related to anything their friend is saying, or who speak over in a louder voice just because they think what they have to say is more important than what their friend is saying are bad listeners and may have limited emotional control.

Even though it may not seem like a big deal Interrupting can be an annoyance to someone else. Even if you are not interested in what your friend is saying it is not polite to interrupt because remember maybe you were speaking a few minutes ago and other friends did not want to listen to you, but they did not interrupt. Give other speakers the same respect and wait until they are finished speaking. The best way to not interrupt is to be sure no one else is speaking before you begin.
We can all understand that all teenagers are different and all friends communicate in a different way, but it is important to respect your friends and a good way to do that is by giving friends the opportunity to speak without being interrupted. This will result in successful communication skills with your teenage friends.

The author's comments:
interrupting was always a pet peeve of mine and i hate when people dont respect you by interrupting you

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