2nd Amendment Under Attack | Teen Ink

2nd Amendment Under Attack

November 5, 2013
By Bow243 BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
Bow243 BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do gun laws work? Some people say yes , some say no. When you look at the facts the answer is clearly no. these gun laws only take guns out of the hands of the public. It is also a direct attack on the second amendment which is the right to bare arms. Gun laws do not work.

Most importantly gun laws the didn't work, they don't work, and they won't work .most crimes are done with knifes not guns. Studies show in places where concealed carry is more common, there is less crime. In some countries, it is law that once you are 18 you must be trained to carry a firearm. There is less crime in those countries than in those countries that forbid firearms. So, if you look at the facts, gun ownership prevents crime.

Guns are the whole reason we have the 2nd Amendment. Our fore fathers made the constitution to give us our rights, but now they're under attack. The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms, but the new New York laws banned assault rifles. Lots of people just sat back and let it happen. How long until the other rights are attacked?

Gun laws can be good. They can keep us safe and prevent crime. They prevent crime by having the law you must carry concealed so criminals don't know who in the area is armed. You must go through a course to carry concealed. The gun laws keep us safe while hunting and while shooting for fun. They are good because they separate the good guys from the bad guys.

Do gun laws work? Some people say yes. Some people say no, but if you look at the facts, the answer is no. These laws only take the guns out of the hands of law abiding people and not the criminals. A law abiding gun owners can protect themselves before the cops can get there. Still, we stand back while our Second Amendment rights are under attack. Why do we let our rights get taken away?

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