Women's Rights | Teen Ink

Women's Rights

November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

How would you define women’s rights? Women who stay at home and take care of her children. Women who are left uneducated due to the fact that men fear that women will rise higher than men. Women who are meant to hide their faces out in the public. Women who are meant to follow each and every command of men. Women who are meant to go to sleep by a certain time. Women who are meant to stay at a certain place for a certain time without their children or husband. Women who are meant to do everything, except what their heart desires to do. How would you define women’s rights?

Some countries around the world do not have a definition for women’s rights because men control the community or country. They make up most of the rules and tell people what to do and when to do them. Some of these things are widely known in India and Pakistan. These countries have a long history of men telling women what to do because they fear that once women have the freedom to do what their heart desires, they will slowly start to rise and overthrow the men that control them. All of these beliefs started based off of religion. Some people interpret that their religion says that men are supposed to be in control of women. Some have moved past religion, but the same problem still remains.

Women’s rights may not seem important to many people because they do not pay attention to what is going on around them. Due to women not being acknowledged for their existence, many women are abused, tortured, and even killed by men because there is no one who is able to stand up for them. This is very important because women are considered a minority in some countries where they are not able to participate in politics, schools, and community activities. Some countries are abusing their power to rule over other genders, which causes many deaths. Some expect women to do deadly things no matter what it will cost them.

People that consider this as an issue are campaigning around the world to raise this issue to other countries who do not care. If we as a whole ignore women and their freedom, then we are losing one of the most precious, valuable species because women are the ones who give birth to children, who raise them, who take care of the people around them because people depend on their existence. If we as women do not help other women who need our help, we will basically be betraying our own. We can get involved by publishing posters and billboards that states women’s rights as a whole. We should start organizations that can grow over time around the world, encouraging women for who they are meant to be and to accomplish what they heart desires to do.

Many organizations around the world have helped women. One organization that is currently working in 25 countries is Madre. Madre shares stories from other women that have gone through the same rough time to get freedom and equal rights. Madre helps those that are in a critical situation. Like Madre, we can establish more organizations that spread the same message, “Women’s Rights”. Countries that have once gone through this situation know what to do and how to react because they understand how important it is to give women their rights. They understand that men are not meant to have control over women because we are all human beings.

In the end, women should not be considered as a minority because we are not. Women have the right to do whatever they desire to do. They do not need to be under control by men and they do not need anybody to tell them what to do and what not to do. Women are meant to do what their knowledge and ability allows them to do. They are just as human as men.

The author's comments:
Seeing women pushed around is not pleasing and seeing this makes me want to do something about it. I hope that people will understand that women are just as equal to men and that there is not difference between them.

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