Try to bring light in the darkness of life….. | Teen Ink

Try to bring light in the darkness of life…..

November 9, 2013
By Sumbul BRONZE, Delhi, Other
Sumbul BRONZE, Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Once you start lying you can not stop yourself...
So,stop before you lie.

Child labour is a crime but still nowadays, child labour is spreading like a web in our Country India. Today, people are not understanding the painful consequences of child labour. Today, we can find easily number of children working in factories, hotels or even in the houses of others. The most common child labour is a child picking garbage or begging for a penny. Some children are forces to do this kind of a job and some childreb have no choice except to do this for their livelihood. In this age children should study, they should shape their future and enjoy their childhood but some unlucky children are working in houses, picking garbage, asking for a penny and whatsoever. As a citizen it’s our duty to stop such crime. To Spread awareness about the negative consequences. These children are the future of our Nation. So we should take a big step to stop it and should implement in actual life and should try to bring light in the darkness of life.

The author's comments:
In such a busy world people are just focusing in their own life.Hope through this article one can understand what I am trying to say....

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