Future America: Panem of Hunger Games? | Teen Ink

Future America: Panem of Hunger Games?

November 28, 2013
By Anonymous

Is it just me, or is the hunger games looking like the future of America. If we keep using up our recourses like we are and if the government keeps lying to us, we are going to end up just like Panem. There will be an uprising; there is no doubt about it. There are citizens getting angier over laws and congress and our choices of presidents. With these two sick political parties that can’t decide how to spend the tax payer’s money, we will go broke soon. If the Democrats and Republicans can finally join hands and agree, we can prevent war and suffering for the future of our country. Citizens are scared that the government will fall and we will all will be beggars and hobo lying in the streets. We will have no homes from war. Best believe, we keep messing with these countries and ‘trying to help’, they will eventually bomb us. This will leave us will no homes. This discerns did not come out of thin air. There have been bombings in these countries already. There are consist rumors that the American dollar is going to worth nothing soon. The worries of World War Three not just coming from citizens but from a couple of countries government. Just open your eyes and know what is going on around before it it’s too late!

The author's comments:
I was inspired by reading and watching Hunger Games and I was just another concerned teen. I am trying to grow as an writer so comment. Don't let not the comments be too mean.

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