Jon Stossel | Teen Ink

Jon Stossel

December 16, 2013
By 4musbach SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4musbach SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

America prides itself on being the land of free. We are free to take our own path, whether it’s good or bad. The government trying to control the health of Americans through regulations, taxation and bans is outrageous.

As a 17-year-old boy, I am infuriated with the food push in government to create a healthier society. A simple example is in the lunchroom at my high school. I got chicken nuggets and wanted a little extra salt. When I asked the lunch ladies for extra salt, I was told they don’t keep salt packets anymore because it is too unhealthy. I am not overweight and I am not in bad shape. I play multiple sports, run and lift weights on a regular basis. It is ridiculous that Michele Obama is pushing so hard for healthier lunches that I can’t even have salt packets in the lunchroom.

However there are some kids in our school who do need to watch their weight. But the school lunches will not change that. It is not what they eat, but how much they eat. Most of the kids in our school get two or even three lunch orders; but even though they have no extra salt with their meals, they aren’t getting any skinnier. Restricting people makes them feel cornered and less likely to agree, but if you motivate people to make changes on their own, people will jump on the bandwagon. The hard part is creating motivation. The easiest way to encourage kids is through their parents. Adding systems where parents become informed of how hazardous maintaining unhealthy diets are for their children is a quick and easy way to change behavior.

Examples like in the lunchroom are found all around America today. The mayor of New York prohibited cups sold that are larger than 16 oz. But what is going to stop me from getting a refill or just buying two cups instead of one? New York’s 51 assembly district representative Felix Ortiz wants to ban salt from restaurants in New York. This is a good idea, but he doesn’t think of the repercussions this would create for family owned or small restaurants and diners. They would have to completely revamp their entire menu, costing them dearly. They would lose business because all their food would taste worse and potentially they would have to close down. This wouldn’t just be a problem for restaurants but also for the citizens as well. If salt is cut completely out of peoples diets, it will create other health problems (like lowering blood pressure or even congested heart failure). As an athlete I am supposed to take in larger amounts of salt because I am constantly sweating it out if all food get salt cut from their recipes I will not be able to get my necessary amount.

We will never be able to stop obesity as long as people are alive. The government shouldn’t try to control what people eat because it is impossible to regulate what people eat (without giving them specific diets). Diet is something Americans have to choose to change on their own without the help of the government. In order to go on a diet–and stay on one—you need to actually want to go on a diet. America prides itself on being free, so let’s keep it that way.

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