Point Blank | Teen Ink

Point Blank

January 6, 2014
By MzCoffey BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
MzCoffey BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would you allow a total stranger to look at your family albums, or take pictures off your walls? Well, some teens today are doing just that, by allowing total strangers to browse through their albums on social networks. Would you then give out important information to a man who had served time for a sexual crime? Most teens today are unaware of the people that may be lurking through their social walls. Teens share way too much information on Facebook and it is causing many problems such as cyber-bullying, keeping your privacy, and predators stalking you; it is making teen’s lives horrible.

The first reason why teens are sharing too much information is that it causes bullying. Bullying, in my opinion, is very sad and disheartening hearing that kids and teens are hurting themselves or even committing suicide because of cyber-bullying. To keep it real, there really shouldn’t be any argument or discussion about bullying, but you know that there are some who say if someone is being bullied just ignore it, or in some cases, escape from the situation. So it may be necessary to go address it to an adult or press the report button on your profile.

Another reason teenagers should be aware of on Facebook are their privacy settings. Privacy settings on Facebook or on any other social network is highly important, because there are strangers out there or even people you know that can look through your data, or any private photos that can cause trouble or injuries that can ruin your social life. Many say that if they set their privacy levels high, teens won’t be as popular or be socially famous. But it is right and safe to keep all of your data secret to keep yourself safe.

My final reason are predators. Today people are just nasty. Nasty to the point that teens get hurt or lose their lives over a naked picture. So for people that like to put naked picture on the internet or like to be grown, be prepared for a life change because it will not be as great as you want it to be. Some may disagree, it’s dumb, but they will. People say that putting pictures on the internet that is exposing is cool and will make them more popular. They are wrong, don’t put yourself in a deeper hole by putting something gross on the internet that may get you killed.

In other words, don’t do anything stupid online that will ruin everything. Just be smart and make the right decisions. If you’re being bullied, address an adult. If your privacy settings are not set high, set them high. And if there is a predator, stop putting nasty picture online. But if you aren’t call the police, point blank.

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This article has 1 comment.

PrincipalP said...
on Jan. 19 2014 at 7:39 am
This author presents valid points with regard to Facebook and other social media useage by teens.  In my experience about 90% of conflicts in school between students result from social meida abuse.  Be aware and use it the right way.  I am proud of this author as she created an informative piece of literature that can help others make good decisions when it comes to social media.