The Future of Adolescents in America | Teen Ink

The Future of Adolescents in America

March 30, 2014
By Timo5 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Timo5 BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you ask almost any teenager today, most of them don't have any idea what they want to pursue after high school or college. The problem is, without adolescents planning ahead, the country's future won't be able to fulfill high level jobs like astronauts or such careers as as a biochemical engineer or political activists. It is important that adolescents start exploring careers or search YouTube for things that might interest them.

One effective way for teenagers to explore career options is to go out and find our first job, you may be surprised by what careers can come out of a high school job. Also, try to obtain as many connections as possible because one may lead you to a career. It is nearly impossible for an adolescent in today's economy to merely find what they like by attending school. Another effective way is by seeing what services are need in your community and jump on starting your own business to fill in the gaps of services needed. Without research and abundance of interest, nobody will achieve their "dream job."

If you simply Google unemployment, a number of different subjects will come up, such as the problem of nobody to fill high ranking jobs. I believe if teenagers were easier introduced to wonderful careers, the scary thought of being a future unprepared nation wouldn't be one of the main issues in society. For most teenagers, it doesn't take much to get hooked on something they admire.

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